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10 <br /> Construction of the sidewalks along the property frontages appears to be feasible given the existing topography and <br /> availability of any needed right of way or easements on school system property.Additional study is recommended to <br /> quantify pedestrian volumes and appropriate traffic control requirements for such a crossing. Design considerations <br /> should include location relative to established travel patterns, separation from existing driveways and intersections and <br /> turn lanes storage requirements, available pedestrian and motorist sight distance, provision of appropriate lighting at <br /> the crossing and in the general area. Provision of a qualified crossing guard as recommended by the study is imperative. <br /> Installation of raised crosswalks and other similar traffic calming features would need to comply with NCDOT traffic <br /> calming guidelines which currently limits use of such devices to residential subdivision streets or streets of similar <br /> character. Installation of pedestrian refuge islands and island mounted signage is an acceptable treatment subject to <br /> compliance with NCDOT requirements. <br /> • Crosswalks at the intersection of Grady Brown School Road and Orange Grove Road <br /> Installation of crosswalks and pedestrian related traffic signal enhancements at this location are predicated on <br /> installation of appropriate and adequate sidewalk infrastructure to safely accommodate pedestrians crossing the <br /> road. Reductions to the existing intersection return radii should be evaluated to ensure that turning movement <br /> requirements of buses and other large vehicles is still accommodated. <br /> • Crosswalks and Pedestrian Activated Signal at Orange Grove Road and Grady Brown School Road <br /> Installation of crosswalks at this location is predicated on installation of appropriate and adequate sidewalk <br /> infrastructure to safely accommodate pedestrian movements.A traffic signal warrant analysis is required to determine if <br /> signal warrants as prescribed by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)are met. Reductions to the <br /> existing intersection return radii should be evaluated to ensure that turning movement requirements of buses and other <br /> large vehicles is still accommodated. <br /> Traffic Calming Measures <br /> The study recommends the following traffic calming measures: <br /> • Reduce Existing School Zone Speed Limit to 25 MPH <br /> • Establish a School Zone on Orange Grove Road from Grady Brown School Road to Patriot's Point Apartments <br /> Access <br /> School zones and associated speed limit postings must meet NCDOT guidelines. Further evaluation of the existing and <br /> proposed school zones is required. <br /> • Install raised midblock crosswalks and refuge islands <br /> Installation of raised crosswalks and other similar traffic calming features would need to comply with NCDOT traffic <br /> calming guidelines which currently limits use of such devices to residential subdivision streets or streets of similar <br /> character. Installation of pedestrian refuge islands and island mounted signage is an acceptable treatment subject to <br /> compliance with NCDOT requirements. <br /> Long Term Improvements <br /> • Construct Pedestrian Accommodations Along Orange Grove Road over 1-40(Priority Project #2) <br /> The study identifies a pedestrian accommodation across 1-40 as critical to connectivity of land uses on either side of the <br /> interstate. Reference is made to NCDOT TIP Project no. EB-4980. In 2010,the NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian <br /> Transportation performed a feasibility study for a proposed bicycle and pedestrian bridge at this location and <br /> determined that such a project was not justifiable at that time due to the lack of supporting pedestrian facilities and <br /> sparse residential development but indicated that the project could be submitted again through the MPO for <br /> consideration for the TIP in the event of increased support to the support for the sidewalk system.The pedestrian bridge <br /> project has been submitted for consideration by the MPO and is currently being evaluated in accordance with the <br /> guidelines of the NCDOT Strategic Transportation Investments(STI), also known as the Strategic Mobility Formula. <br /> 2 <br />