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20 <br /> Watch Dogs <br /> Page 2 <br /> ordinance. In practical terms, it makes it impossible for the county's animal control authority to <br /> deem any vicious that bites someone on its owner's property if the owner says the dog isa <br /> watchdog. <br /> On the other hand, a strong sense emerged from the discussion with S�hool of Government staff that <br /> their trespass analysis could provide a way to allow that a watchful dog could justifiably bite someone <br /> on the owner's property even when that person had no criminal intent. This is so because the more <br /> general analysis of trespass suggested that social customs and apparent consent must betaken into <br /> account and that they include the behavior of a dog watching over property and the behavior of the <br /> person who enters that property. <br /> Whether there is apparent consent to enter on private property depends, among other things, on the <br /> presence and behavior of a dog on the property. Barking, growling and other observable behavior are <br /> one indication that there is not an implied consent for any visitor to enter onto the property without <br /> invitation or prior arrangement. Thus the behavior of a watchful dog must be considered as part of the <br /> array of factors that determine whether consent exists for someone to enter onto the property of <br /> another. <br /> 9milarly,the behavior of the person who entered onto private property without invitation or prior <br /> arrangement would need to be factored into the analysis of a given bite case. How a person behaved in <br /> the face of a dog exhibiting alerting or protective behavior would be essential to ascertaining whether <br /> the visitor had (knowingly or not)contributed to the bite that had occurred. Whether a dog was <br /> deemed a vicious animal under the ordinance could well depend upon whether a bite victim disregarded <br /> a barking dog when s/he walked up a driveway or exited a vehicle that they had pulled into the same <br /> driveway. <br /> Fboommendation <br /> 1. Exclude watchdogs from the general category of security dogs in the proposed ordinance <br /> 2. Develop language to exempt a dog from being deemed vicious if the dog is being protective of <br /> person or property in circumstances in which either or both of the following apply: <br /> a. There is an absence of consent (expressed or apparent)for the bite victim to have <br /> entered the property on which s/he was bitten <br /> b. The bite victim could have avoided the bite by responding to signal behaviors from the <br /> dog and removing him or herself from the property(or some portion thereof)of the <br /> owner of the biting dog. <br />