Agenda - 04-08-2014 - 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-08-2014 - Work Session
Agenda - 04-08-2014 - 2
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6/2/2015 11:49:37 AM
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4/4/2014 10:38:58 AM
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Minutes 04-08-2014
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
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19 <br /> Attachment B(4) <br /> WATCHDOGS <br /> Background <br /> Differences of opinion emerged between Commissioners and others in regard to whether there should <br /> be an exception to vicious animal dedarations for a dog that bit someone on its owner's property while <br /> watching over the property. While closely related to discussions of trespass, it became dear in the <br /> course of further consideration and consultation that the issue of watch dogs is best treated separately <br /> (as it is in this section). <br /> Under the existing ordinance, security dogs are generally defined as dogsthat are kept by an"owner or <br /> keeper for the purpose of protecting any person or property' (Sec.4-37). They are dassified into patrol <br /> dogs,which must be registered and which are trained or conditioned to act aggressively upon <br /> command; sentry dogswhich must be registered and which are trained or conditioned to act <br /> aggressively without command; and watch dogs,which act protectively but do not require registration <br /> or training.Awatch dog is more specifically defined as a"dog that barks and threatensto bite any <br /> intruder that has not been specially trained or conditioned for that purpose." <br /> Under the county's existing ordinance, a"security dog' (5rc.4-37)may not be deemed a vicious animal <br /> for"causing physical harm through bitesto people(a person)" or biting or killing another animal except <br /> in limited circumstances. Thus the exclusion of watchdog from security dogs in the Unified Ordinance <br /> raises the question of whether dogs may legitimately watch over and protect a person or property <br /> without the risk of being deemed vicious for their behavior <br /> In discussion of the Unified Ordinance,those who favored preserving the exception for watchdogs <br /> expressed the view that many dogs are kept to watch over private property(and persons on a property) <br /> and should not suffer consequences if they bite someone in performing their function. One <br /> Commissioner maintained that under the proposed ordinance residentswould only be able to have dogs <br /> as watchdogs if these dogs qualified as security dogs. 9nce qualification as a security dog requires the <br /> costly training and registration of dogs, he lamented that many residentswould no longer be able to <br /> keep dogs to watch over their property and persons. <br /> Those opposed to keeping the category of watch dogsexpressed the view that their exemption from <br /> being dedared vicious in the current ordinance amounted to a"blanket" exception. They stressed that <br /> there was not a cogent way to distinguish between watchdogs and other kinds of dogs. Because a ii <br /> dog that bit someone on its owner's property can be described as a watchdog(provided it barks or <br /> threat ens to bite),there ends up being a general rather than limited exception. This results in a lads of <br /> effective authority for exerdsing control over dogs that bite someone on their owner's property wi t hout <br /> cause in an effort to limit the future risk that the same dog may bite again without cause. <br /> The discussion with Professor Wall and her associate cut both ways in the context of these opposing <br /> views. On the one hand, it affirmed the original decision to exdude watchdogs as a distinctive category <br /> of security dog because it essentially was the"exception that swallowed the rule" in the current <br />
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