Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Trespass& ViaousAnimals <br /> Page 4 <br /> Fboommendation <br /> 1. Develop ordinance that defines willful trespass more explicitly according to whether there is <br /> a. Apparent consent to enter onto the property in the absence of overt or express <br /> permission to do so, i.e.,the absence of express consent. <br /> b. Gross negligence on the part of the bite victim. <br /> 2. Consider further whether there can be ordinance language that that discriminates between <br /> children and others for the purposes of determining whether awillful trespass has occurred and <br /> if so develop such language for Board discussion <br /> 3. Develop language for a two-step process for"non-severe bites" on the property of the dog <br /> owner under the Unified Ordinance's vicious animal provisions <br /> a. A citation for a first bite that serves to notify the owner of his or her dog's propensity <br /> without declaring the dog vicious in a manner that imposes conditions and restrictions. <br /> b. Avicious animal dedarat ion for a bite occurring after the issuance of the citation at step <br /> one that imposes conditions and restrictions on the dog. <br /> Proposed Ordinance SAbiect to Change <br /> Only one section of the proposed Unified Ordinance needs to be changed as a result of the <br /> recommendations being made to the Board. SAbsections that we would expect to be directly affected <br /> appear below. They are from the version of the Unified Ordinance the Board reviewed on October 4, <br /> 2014. <br /> DIVISON 1. -GENERALLY <br /> Sec.4-42. -Control of vicious animals;security dogs. <br /> (a) In General. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any vicious animal within the County, unless <br /> under restraint and on the premises of the owner or keeper. <br /> (b)Vicious Animal. Any animal,on or off the premises of its owner or keeper,which is three(3)months <br /> of age or older and who: <br /> (1)Without provocation has bitten, killed or caused physical harm through bite(s)to a person; <br /> or <br /> (2)Without provocation has attempted to bite a person or cause physical harm through bite(s) <br /> to a person; or <br />