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the model, each future year grows 3.1 percent. He said these values are used to generate <br /> how much service will cost, and then this backfills once a determination is made of how much <br /> local money is needed to provide service. He said the set split agreement between Chapel <br /> Hill, TT, OPT and Orange County means there is no advantage to an agency inflating its cost <br /> per hour. <br /> Commissioner McKee said his concern centers on whether the available pot of money <br /> remains steady. He said if it does an increase in the per-hour cost will reduce the number of <br /> hours available. He is concerned that this will require an ever increasing amount of money to <br /> fund that continuous level of bus hours at an increasing rate per hour. He wonders if the <br /> available pot of money for buses will remain the same or increase at the same level of cost. <br /> He is concerned with maintaining the original number of bus hours proposed in the plan. <br /> John Tallmadge said that is what is still affordable in the model. He said the growth in <br /> revenues is shown to keep up with the growth in cost. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said, as she understands it, there is also money in reserve that <br /> can be used in the event of a dip in revenues in one year. She said this prevents services <br /> from being cut. <br /> John Tallmadge said that is one of the purposes of the reserve. He said the other <br /> reality is that if there is an abnormal situation all parties will get together to decide how to <br /> handle the situation. <br /> John Tallmadge reviewed the following PowerPoint slides: <br /> What is the Central and Rural Orange County Bus Service Expansion Program? <br /> ❑ Joint five-year program between Orange County and Triangle Transit <br /> ❑ Year-by-year list of bus operating and capital projects for services provided by Orange <br /> County (OPT) and Triangle Transit to areas outside of Chapel Hill/Carrboro <br /> ❑ Bus program will be referenced in updated Orange County Transit Plan (Spring 2014) <br /> Public Involvement <br /> ❑ Held four joint County/TTA public outreach meetings in Hillsborough, Cedar Grove, Efland, <br /> and Mebane <br /> ❑ 83 attendees total <br /> ❑ Received 230 surveys at public meetings, on-board buses, and online <br /> ❑ Conducted survey of Duke employees who live in Orange/Alamance Counties <br /> ❑ Met with various stakeholders: <br /> ❑ OUTBoard <br /> ❑ Department on Aging <br /> ❑ Department of Social Services <br /> Bus Services and Projects <br /> ❑ Continued funding of Hillsborough Circulator <br /> ❑ New OPT services and bus stop improvements <br /> ❑ New Triangle Transit service connecting western Orange County, Hillsborough and Durham <br /> ❑ Narrowing short and long term options for a Park-and-Ride facility along US-70 in <br /> Hillsborough <br /> ❑ Still determining potential stop location(s) in western Orange County/eastern Alamance <br /> County <br /> 11 Potential funding/service coordination opportunities with PART and Burlington-Graham MPO <br />