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necessary to review and revise the text of the plan to incorporate the changed assumptions. <br /> He said this would then come to all of the involved boards in the April/May timeframe. He said, <br /> in the meantime, these revised assumptions are being used for fiscal year 2015 to tell all of the <br /> partners how much money will be available in the upcoming year. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is assuming the reduction at the state and federal levels <br /> was not expected. <br /> John Tallmadge said that is correct. <br /> Commissioner McKee said what makes him uneasy is that the projected growth rate in <br /> sales tax revenue has increased by almost 25 percent. He asked how he can feel confident <br /> that this is concrete when past projections on federal and state percentage have been thrown <br /> out the window with massive reductions. <br /> John Tallmadge said there are different forces acting on these current assumptions. <br /> He said one is political policy and the other is economic. He said when the assumptions were <br /> being worked on in 2011, it was during a deep recession, and there had been negative returns <br /> in sales tax. He said this meant it was a very conservative budgeting time. He said the values <br /> then still recognized that the longer term growth rate would be different than the first couple of <br /> years. He said this new growth rate is consistent with long term growth rates in Orange <br /> County in the last decades. He said more time can be spent on the analysis when this is <br /> brought to the Board for a decision. <br /> Michael Talbert said he would second what John Tallmadge said. He said these <br /> original estimates were done coming out of the great recession. He said Clarence Grier has <br /> reviewed these, and he feels these numbers are very realistic. He referred to the yellow sheet, <br /> and said the revenue estimates are increasing by more than 5 percent, which should provide <br /> an opportunity for the Board to approve a change in the plan. <br /> Michael Talbert referred to attachment 1-e and 1-f and noted that the grand totals after <br /> 2035 increase by $100 million. He said a large percentage of that increase is the removal of <br /> federal and state money and the issuing of bonds. He said there is an issuance of$126 <br /> million in bonds and debt in 2012 that was not part of the original plan. He said much of the <br /> gap is being filled with bonds. <br /> Commissioner Price asked how the projected growth rate of the sales tax translates <br /> with regard to the buses and hours for the Hillsborough and northern Orange bus routes and <br /> park and ride. She asked for clarification on whether the earlier discussion was about buses <br /> on 1-85 or Highway 70. <br /> David King said he specifically said the 1-85 corridor, but Highway 70 is also included. <br /> Commissioner Price asked how this change in the funding formula affects the timeline <br /> for getting buses in the northern part of the County. <br /> John Tallmadge said the goal was for the financial plan not to be the driver. He said <br /> the dollars will be there. He said this will depend on when the planning is done, when the park <br /> and ride lots are leased or built, and when the vehicles are available for the service. He is <br /> hopeful that this can start at the end of this calendar year. <br /> Commissioner Price noted a reference to DR Commuter Rail, and she asked for an <br /> explanation of this. <br /> John Tallmadge said this is the Durham Raleigh Commuter Rail, and this is part of the <br /> Durham plan. <br /> Commissioner McKee referred to the operating costs per revenue hour listed on page <br /> 6. He asked if Triangle Transit's cost increase of 11 percent is projected to be a continuous <br /> increase at this rate, or if it is an anomaly. <br /> John Tallmadge said an adjustment was made to the fiscal year 2013 actual values <br /> and everyone is then inflated on a 3.1 percent rate. He said this is a recalibration and then in <br />