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He referred to a table with three columns shown in the abstract attachment 1(b), <br /> labeled Comparison of Draft Financial Model Update Assumptions to Adopted Plans. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if this could be put on the screen for the public to view. <br /> John Tallmadge reviewed this sheet. He said TT is expecting less federal and state <br /> dollars to provide these services, and this is offset by better tax revenue receipts and the <br /> forecast of higher than expected growth of the sales tax throughout the period of this plan. He <br /> read through these changes on the chart. <br /> He said the federal participation expectation has been dropped from 80 percent to 30 <br /> percent, and the state assumption has been dropped to 5 percent for vehicles and 8 percent <br /> for other projects. He said this provides more local tax dollars from the sales tax and the <br /> vehicle registration fees to move forward with projects on the schedule and pace laid out in the <br /> plan. He said the other assumptions did not include any changes to the light rail project, the <br /> MLK Bus way, or the Hillsborough Train Station. <br /> John Tallmadge referred to attachment c - Western Triangle District Annual Cash <br /> Balance, and said the balance is still above the floor that was set for annual closing cash <br /> balances. He said the other test is the minimum 1.25 debt coverage ratio with reserves. He <br /> said this is at 1.52, which means there is a lot of room to examine how much borrowing needs <br /> to happen to get this number closer to 1.25. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the calibration of the model and the exponential <br /> growth in the cash balance. She asked if this is necessary for debt capacity. <br /> John Tallmadge said the growth rate of the sales tax dollars is a fixed percentage of <br /> the 3.6 percent, but this is also combined with Durham, which has a higher growth rate. He <br /> said this shows that the costs go down while revenues are still growing, so this builds capacity <br /> to do other projects. He said this is out in 2028, after the construction period. <br /> John Tallmadge said there is a more detailed table in attachment 1-d — Updated 5-Year <br /> Bus Revenue Forecast Compared to Adopted Plan. He said this shows that TT can still deliver <br /> the service at the same pace as promised in the plan, and there is more local revenue for bus <br /> capital than in the past. He read through the numbers in that chart. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that one chart listed fiscal year and one listed calendar year. <br /> John Tallmadge said this was a transition that had to be made from the adopted plan. <br /> He said a comparison can be made by looking at the average of those two values. He said <br /> everything will go to fiscal year in the future. <br /> John Tallmadge referred to Attachments 1-e and 1-f, which list all of Orange County <br /> plan's revenues. He said this comparison shows the tradeoff between lower grant dollars and <br /> higher sales tax values. He said this is offset with more borrowing. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the revenues include the half cent sales tax and the new <br /> projected revenue of$223 million. She asked if it is possible to provide more bus hours, <br /> instead of just offsetting the lost bus capital revenue. She said the County was concerned with <br /> getting more bus service hours. <br /> John Tallmadge said at one level there is a link between the capital and the operating, <br /> in that the capital is buying the buses. He said there would be some flexibility if Orange <br /> County, Chapel Hill or TT saw an opportunity to move money from the capital side to the <br /> operating side. He said this will be discussed and considered within the working group. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if it is possible for him to tell the Board what the additional <br /> sales tax dollars will be used for. <br /> John Tallmadge said this is being used to replace the lost grant funds (both state and <br /> federal). He said the first priority is to make the plan whole so that promises can be delivered. <br /> John Tallmadge said the process involves a discussion at the staff level, and last week <br /> a decision was made to move this to the manager for consideration. He said it is also <br />