Orange County NC Website
f. Application for North Carolina Education Lottery Proceeds for Chapel Hill — <br />Carrboro City Schools ( CHCCS) and Conti ngent Approval of Budget Amendment # 6- <br />B Related to CHCCS Capital Project Ordinances <br />The Board approved an application to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction <br />(NCDPI) to release funds from the NC Education Lottery account related to FY 2013 -14 debt <br />service payments for Chapel Hill — Carrboro City Schools, and to approve Budget Amendment <br />#6 -B (amended School Capital Project Ordinances), contingent on the State's approval of the <br />application and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />9. Delegation of Property Tax Release /Refund Authority Based on North Carolina <br />General Statute (NCGS) NCGS 105 -381 <br />The Board considered delegation of authority as authorized under North Carolina General <br />Statute (NCGS) 105- 381(b) and approved a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, <br />thereby allowing the Finance Officer to approve requests for release or refund of property taxes <br />less than one hundred dollars ($100.00). <br />h. Change in BOCC Regular Meeting Schedule for 2014 <br />The Board approved one change in the County Commissioners' regular meeting calendar for <br />2014, adding a dinner meeting with the Board of Social Services for Tuesday, April 29 2014, <br />starting at 5:30 pm (prior to the 7:00 joint meeting with the school boards) at the Southern <br />Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Road in Chapel Hill. <br />7. Regular Agenda <br />a. Rogers- Eubanks Neighborhood Association Community Center Construction <br />Bid Award <br />The Board considered awarding a bid to Riggs- Harrod Builders, Inc. of Durham, North <br />Carolina in the amount of $552,488 for the construction of the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood <br />Association Community Center; authorizing the Chair to sign the necessary paperwork upon <br />final approval of the County Attorney; and authorizing the County Manager to execute change <br />orders for the project up to the project budget. <br />Jeff Thompson said this bid reflects a major re- design of the facility, allowing the project <br />to be constructed within the Board approved project budget. <br />Jeff Thompson said Patric Lebeau was present to provide an overview of the design to <br />the Board and answer any questions. <br />Patric Lebeau reviewed several image slides outlining the re- design changes. He said <br />the building footprint has changed very little, and the square footage and interior spaces and <br />functions have been retained. He said the site plan has shrunk and the building has been <br />pulled to the East to avoid some site work. He showed the ADA parking and basketball court, <br />and he reviewed the detailed floor plan slide. <br />He said the height and elevations have changed slightly, and the clear story has been <br />taken out. He said a small portico has been retained on the east side for the main entry. <br />Jeff Thompson said competitive bids from ten (10) firms were opened on March 13, <br />2014. He said after a period of review of the bid documents by County staff and the project <br />designer, Riggs- Harrod Builders, Inc. of Durham, NC was determined to be the lowest <br />responsive, responsible bidder for this project. He said should the Board of County <br />Commissioners award the bid, the projected construction period is eight (8) months. He said, <br />depending upon construction progress, management of unforeseen conditions and the facility <br />commissioning process, the center may be available before the end of the 2014 calendar year. <br />Chair Jacobs said the Board was glad to see their friends from the Rogers Road <br />community in attendance. <br />Commissioner Dorosin noted that the bid came in at $550,000, and he thought there <br />might be extra money, since the Board allocated $650,000. He said the financial impact lists <br />