Orange County NC Website
34 <br />OAAN <br />I <br />Orange County <br />Financial Services Department <br />ADDENDUM #3 <br />March 7, 2014 <br />Bid 367 -292 <br />RENA Community Center (RE- ADVERTISEMENT) - FOR ORANGE COUNTY, N.C. <br />To all Vendors: <br />Modifications to bid documents for the above named Request for Bids are made as follows and shall be included in <br />the proposed amount. <br />1. Please clarify Alternate 3 on what you want regarding the asphalt being in the base bid? The plans <br />indicate the asphalt is included in the base bid amount, but the alternate 3 has it separated. <br />See updated AS- 01(attached) <br />2. Grinder Pump - I do not see any details or specification for the grinder pump. The Civil drawings and the <br />Plumbing drawing have very different piping layouts to the pump. Please advise. <br />Please see updated sheet C -300 sheet with pump grinder info attached (supersedes drawing from addendum #1 <br />also) <br />3. Sheet A -01 shows a 18' & a 20' Markersurface Board, some Marker Boards, and some Tack Boards. There is no <br />specifications for these products. Are these to be included in the bid? If some, please provide some product data <br />for desired products. <br />These items will be furnished and installed by the owner <br />All other terms and conditions shall remain the same <br />By: David E. Cannell, Purchasing Agent; dcannell(a) — (919) 245 -2651 <br />You must acknowledge receipt of this (and all) addendum in the space provided on the form of proposal <br />Company Name: <br />By: <br />Date Received: <br />P.O. Box 8181 200 South Cameron Street Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />Telephones: Area Code 919 245 -2651 Fax: 919 644 -3324 <br />Page 1 <br />