Agenda - 04-01-2014 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-01-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-01-2014 - 5a
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Last modified
6/3/2015 11:49:23 AM
Creation date
3/31/2014 8:59:06 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-01-2014
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12 <br /> 19. What is the average Property tax value in the proposed district? <br /> Including vacant property, exempt, improved, commercial, etc.,the average total property value <br /> within the district is$218,404. <br /> 20. How did we come up with the proposed tax rate? <br /> The tax rate was calculated by dividing the estimated total cost of the rural curbside/roadside <br /> recycling program by the total assessed value of properties within the proposed service district <br /> to arrive at the suggested tax rate of 1.5 cents per$100 assessed value. <br /> 21. What is the average tax value of property with homes in the proposed district? <br /> Average total property value of the parcelswith homes is$290,314. <br /> 22. Is there an education element in subscription service provided across the state? <br /> Educational elementsfrom the various subscription programs acrossthe state vary considerably <br /> from county to county.We have requested information from several countiesthat have a <br /> subscription type recycling collection service, and of the three responseswe received to date, <br /> there is a variation from some County involvement to almost none. In all cases,the contractor <br /> seems to be the lead agency. Staff may be able to report with more information in the near <br /> future pending responses from other communities. <br /> 23. Was every property notified of the public hearings and of the pending consideration by the <br /> Board of a solid waste service tax district? <br /> Yes, notice of the public hearing was mailed to all property ownerswhose property is <br /> incorporated into the proposed service district. <br /> 24. Could we reduce the size of the proposed tax district? <br /> The proposed district boundary could be reduced as long as no parcels that were not notified as <br /> part of the public hearing process are included. Additionally, properties within a service district <br /> must be contiguous. <br /> 25. What was the result of the Board of Commissioners adopted language that was conveyed to the <br /> NClegislature requesting to be given the authority to impose a fee like the previous RAral 3-R <br /> Fee? <br /> The local bill was submitted to the Orange County legislative delegation last year. It was <br /> sponsored and introduced by Fop. Fbushee and was co-sponsored by a number of other <br /> representatives. However,the bill died in committee and is no longer eligible for consideration. <br /> 26. Are some convenience center costs paid from the general fund/property tax revenue? <br /> Funding to operate convenience centers is provided from both a Convenience Center Fee <br /> charged annually on the tax bill to only residential property owners, and represents about 25% <br /> 5 <br />
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