Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> the number of fee payers is reduced, costs increase for each remaining participant. A NCDENR <br /> Environmental Specialist has spoken previously to the BOCC aswell as other recycling <br /> professionals,who have indicated the weaknesses of the so called"opt-out" or subscription (fee <br /> for service)type recycling program. According to the DENR Environmental 90ecialist the eight <br /> counties that operate a subscription-type curbside recycling program have an average <br /> partici pation rate of 14.8%. <br /> Rease note that it will take 5-6 monthsto establish an opt-out or subscription type service for <br /> rural curbside/roadside recycling. Therefore, some partial year(6 months)funding source may <br /> be required until the new subscription can be established and enrolling subscribers. <br /> Additionally, it will be necessary for county staff to evaluate the impact of a possible shift of <br /> recyclable materials from the existing curbside program to convenience centers as residentstry <br /> to avoid the subscription fee. The impact on the centers could be significant and additional <br /> resourceswill likely be necessary to collect and haul these additional materials. Staff has not <br /> conducted a detailed analysis of these additional costs. <br /> The current emphasis of staff on publiceducation programs may have to shift to a marketing <br /> effort to keep the subscription and participation level up rather than primarily provision of <br /> public outreach and education on the County'swide variety of public recycling and waste <br /> reduction programs. <br /> 9. Would a Slid Waste Service District funding option or an opt-out (or subscription)fee for <br /> service option result in the most recyclable materials being recovered and move Orange County <br /> the furthest toward its 61%waste reduction goal? Which would cost the least per unit served? <br /> Based on evidence from other jurisdictions(both North Carolina and out of state)asubscription <br /> fee for service option of funding the recycling collection service would yield the least quantity of <br /> recovered recyclables and result in the greatest unit cost for users of the program.The SDlid <br /> Waste Service District would be the least costly per parcel served. <br /> 10. What does it mean that handicap service will continue? <br /> Both the Urban and Raral Curbside Ibcycling programs maintain a special services option for <br /> handicapped and elderly residents.This service requires the collector to go to the resident's <br /> home at an agreed upon location and collect their receptacle,empty it into the truck and return <br /> the empty container to the home. <br /> 11. Hasthe value of the property within the proposed district been analyzed? <br /> The total valuation of the district is located at the bottom of the map and is calculated at <br /> $4,478,900,424. <br /> 12. Is the current participation rate for the rural program 57 0/8? If so, how many are estimated as <br /> not using the service? <br /> Yes, according to the latest survey of four rural routes. About 5,800 are estimated to be using <br /> the convenience centers, not recycling or recycling through alternative means. <br /> 3 <br />