Orange County NC Website
— Thanks to the teachers who showed our introductory video about <br /> composting <br /> — We made posters to hang around school and in the cafeteria <br /> explaining what composting is and what goes in compost <br /> In the lunchroom: <br /> — We had parent and student volunteers to help students with <br /> composting during lunch <br /> • We started a "Giving Table" where we keep all the uneaten and unopened food <br /> — The guidance office redistributes this food to families on meal-plans <br /> — Students and staff are most welcome to take food from this table <br /> • We are setting up worm bins in each science class to show how vermiculture <br /> works <br /> — This will enable all the students to understand the science behind <br /> composting <br /> — We can use our own compost for new gardens <br /> — Thanks to Muriel Willaman from Orange County Solid Waste <br /> Department for demonstrating worm composting to us <br /> • We send updates about our results and plans via our school newsletter "Falcon <br /> Flash" <br /> Results <br /> • At Phillips Middle School (Excellent Results!!) <br /> — We diverted over 80% of the trash going to the landfill by recycling <br /> and composting <br /> — We will divert 20482.2 Ibs of trash over 180 days of school at Phillips <br /> — We will avoid 573.8 Ibs of co2 going in our atmosphere <br /> — We will save $550 in a school year on gas (by not shipping this to <br /> landfill) <br /> — If all 4 Middle schools will replicate this initiative we will divert more <br /> than 41 tons of trash over the entire school year! <br /> (Pie Chart) <br /> Our Steps <br /> • Our first step was to visit Brooks Composting Facility <br /> — To learn more about commercial composting & understand how they <br /> compost in large quantities <br /> — They showed us the benefits of compost and how it is widely used <br /> — Thanks to Amy Brooks for the awesome tour <br /> • We could not do backyard composting on school premises and so we decided to <br /> get a quote for school composting from Brooks Contractors <br /> — They provided us with 16 composting carts (we have more than 700 <br /> students) <br /> — They promised that they will come twice a week for pickup <br /> — They agreed to wash the carts every time they come for a pickup <br /> (avoid bad smell) <br /> • We then approached school officials for permission <br /> — Thanks to Mr. LoFrese (assistant superintendent) for approving our <br /> composting bin <br />