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10 <br /> PAGE 61 —JPA LAND USE PLAN <br /> LOCATION STANDARDS <br /> The principal task in formulating a land use plan is determining where specific land uses will be <br /> located. The primary elements feeding into this step include the operating principles outlined previously and a <br /> defined set of location standards <br /> The location standards proposed for the preparation of the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan are <br /> based upon previously enumerated background elements—natural environment and compatibility with <br /> existing land use patterns. On the accompanying page, there elements are listed on the horizontal axis of the <br /> Location Standards Matrix. Included in the matrix, but not previously defined are various street classifications <br /> listed under Transportation Accessibility. These classifications are defined as follows: <br /> STREET CLASSIFICATIONS <br /> STREET TYPE FUNCTION SPEED ROW DAILY TRIP ACCESS TRAVEL <br /> VOLUME LENGTH LANES <br /> INTERSTATE Movement 55 mph 200-300' >40K >3 mi. Limited 4 <br /> ARTERIAL Movement 45 mph 120-150' 10K-25K >1 mi. Unlimited 4 <br /> COLLECTOR Movement/A 35 mph 60-70' 800-3K <1 mi. Unlimited 2 <br /> ccess <br /> LOCAL I Access 1 25 mph 50' 75-200 <1/2 mi. Unlimited 2 <br /> Listed on the vertical axis are the general land use planning categories. By locating the desired land <br /> plan category on the vertical axis, it is possible to read from left to right and identify by the"X" symbol desired <br /> locations for each land use type. <br /> CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES <br /> Following the November Public Information Meeting, four alternative strategy maps were prepared <br /> with illustrated various development scenarios for the Joint Planning Area. The four maps sought to identify <br /> those areas which would be classified as urban, transition, and rural buffer without identifying specific 10 and <br /> 20 year growth areas. The four maps are reproduced in sketch form on the following pages The basis <br /> premises governing each alternative are listed below. <br />