Agenda - 03-18-2014-11e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-18-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-18-2014-11e
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Last modified
6/2/2015 11:31:13 AM
Creation date
3/14/2014 2:14:39 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 03-18-2014
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13 <br />Page 2 of 4 Lydia Wegman <br />University. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />I have followed the growth of Orange County since moving here in 1990. 1 am deeply interested <br />in the development of the county and in ensuring the preservation of the county s rural <br />character, while recognizing the need for growth and development in appropriate locations. I am <br />also interested in how growth can be managed to avoid altering irrevocably the beauty of the <br />county which is the core of its appeal to new residents. I very much want to have an opportunity <br />to participate in discussions and decisions, to the extent I can, about additions to existing <br />projects and proposals for new projects in the county. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Orange Water & Sewer Authority Board of Directors <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />Please see the answer to this question above. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />Please see the answer to this question above. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Supplemental Questions: <br />Orange County Planning Board (REQUIRES DISCLOSURE STATEMENT) <br />Please list the work /volunteer experience /qualifications that would add to your expertise <br />for this board. <br />Please see the answers provided to the question for the Board of Adjustment. <br />What unique perspective can you bring to the Orange County Planning Board? <br />My husband and I have lived for over 23 years in the county. I love the rural beauty and <br />character of where we live, off of Mt. Sinai Road, while also loving the vibrancy, retail and <br />commercial spaces and opportunities for entertainment provided by downtown Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro and Hillsborough. I would strive as a participant on the Planning Board to preserve <br />that balance of services within the county and feel I am well - qualified to do so based on my <br />many years at the USEPA, where balancing environmental protection and sustainable economic <br />growth is essential. <br />What do you see as the responsibilities of this board, and what do you hope to <br />accomplish if appointed? <br />I believe the board s responsibilities are to ensure achievement of the county s long -term <br />comprehensive plan for development and conservation of open space. These twin goals, which <br />are linked to the promotion of transportation alternatives, infrastructure development, <br />conservation of farm and park land and fostering desirable economic growth in designated <br />areas, are crucial to sustaining the county s virtues for years to come. I hope to be an active <br />participant on the board, educating myself fully about projects which come before the board, and <br />raising questions or offering alternative approaches as appropriate. I would very much hope to <br />be a constructive participant on the board, seeking to reach agreements through compromises <br />which equitably take into account the needs of various stakeholders. <br />What do you consider to be be the most important issues facing Orange County related <br />to growth? <br />Preservation of open space, including farm land and park land while permitting sustainable <br />growth and economic development. Ensuring consideration of infrastructure and transportation <br />needs when reviewing applications so that proponents are required to contribute to the provision <br />of services needed to support their projects. Assuring that environmental justice communities <br />
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