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Michael Talbert said the short answer is "yes". The managers are working on a plan, as <br /> instructed by the task force, on how to make this happen and how to make this work. <br /> He believes the County and Chapel Hill are on board with funding 43% shares <br /> (Carrboro's share would be 14%) and with moving forward on at least initial planning for <br /> sewer, including engineering. He sees longer term CIP funding — not next year, but <br /> maybe two years out—for funding for actual construction. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin inquired do they have resources to start or would there need to <br /> be adjustments to this CIP. <br /> Michael Talbert said funding would be in the general CIP. They would have to evaluate <br /> resources and priorities. They have the money to do the planning stages. In two <br /> years, though, if the Towns don't go along, the County could not come up with $7-8 <br /> million without cutting something back. Those discussions have not yet occurred, <br /> however. <br /> In response to a comment by Chair Jacobs, Paul Laughton confirmed that today's <br /> agenda item is just for 2014-15 projects because that's what the Board concentrates on <br /> approving funding for next year's CIP. The remainder of the CIP is for long range <br /> forecasting and planning that you evaluate every year. He will bring to the Board's <br /> attention any deviations from planned funding in the out years when they present the <br /> CIP on March 11. <br /> Rod Visser tested the assumption that this session is an opportunity for Commissioners <br /> to give the Manager and staff a "heads up" now regarding any changes in the CIP they <br /> would like to see, but that does not forestall their bringing up other changes that occur <br /> to them six weeks from now in March. <br /> Michael Talbert said he saw two issues on their list of possible budget goals that have <br /> potentially large capital impacts: education and Rogers Road sewer. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the confidence level staff has in projections of lottery <br /> proceeds. <br /> Paul Laughton said that they provide to the schools the estimates that they receive <br /> from the State. He noted that the State used to provide counties with $176 million in <br /> annual lottery proceeds but that number is now down to $100 million. Orange County <br /> is only getting about $1.3 million in lottery funds now. At peak, he believed the County <br /> received about $2.3 million in lottery funds. <br /> Commissioners and Manager indicated that they were satisfied that they had met the <br /> objective set out for the CIP portion of the agenda. <br /> D. Bond Referendum - Debt Capacity, Property Tax Impact, Bond <br /> Rating (Clarence Grier— Presenter& Rod Visser) <br /> Rod Visser explained that the objective for this segment is for the Board to review <br /> possible Bond Referendum timelines, amount of a referendum, and the Board practice <br /> of utilizing bond task forces, and provide direction to staff. <br /> Clarence Grier reviewed possible options/funding/debt service for a possible $100 <br /> million bond referendum, to be held at the Board's discretion. Key figures are included <br /> in the spreadsheet on page 13, Attachment 1-c, of the Board's retreat agenda packet. <br />