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Dave Stancil said the idea was not to have a full fledged midway, but there is interest in <br /> having a landmark ride, such as a Ferris wheel. <br /> Dave Stancil referred to the cost/revenue estimates slide and said there is a big range. <br /> He said a $60,000 event will be minimal and small scale. He said the other end of the range, <br /> at $185,000, will bring in more activities, more equipment rental and more revenue potential. <br /> He discussed the Blackwood Farm Map and the aerial photo, as well as the site map <br /> from a past festival. <br /> He noted that Blackwood Farm does not have a lot of existing infrastructure and it <br /> might be necessary to look at a new entry road and consider moving these items up in the CIP. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked for the number of hours staff have put into this planning <br /> process. <br /> Dave Stancil said this number is 100-105 hours collectively, and this does not include <br /> individual time on side projects. <br /> Commissioner McKee said, based on the hourly rate of the employees, there has <br /> already been $2200 spent on staff planning time so far. He said with every other Board issue <br /> there is an upfront working budget, and with this project that is reversed. He said he does not <br /> think this fair can be done for $60,000 and possibly not even for $184,000. <br /> He said he has spoken to several groups recently and he finishes by asking for <br /> opinions on the County Fair. He said residents commonly ask why this would not be <br /> sponsored by a civic organization; what the cost would be; and what impact this would have on <br /> Hogg Day or the livestock show. He said he is not hearing the same responses Commissioner <br /> Dorosin mentioned from the survey. He has some severe reservations about the County doing <br /> this and how this will affect other organizations. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she has some of the same concerns. She still wants to <br /> know the costs of the infrastructure. She asked if the projected cost range includes the time of <br /> current staff or only additional staff. She is unclear about what this cost includes and whether <br /> this would take staff away from current projects. She questioned the dependence on a strong <br /> volunteer base and whether not having volunteers would add to the costs. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the opportunity costs of staff are not in. He said the volunteer <br /> contributions are called out as a revenue line item. He said figures just came in from the <br /> Efland Rodeo, which has a solid volunteer staff. He said this event ticketed $33,000 and their <br /> costs were $25,000, which did not include staff time or volunteer time. He said all of these <br /> costs were matched by corporate sponsorships. He said this means that the profit was <br /> $33,000, though the staff and volunteers are not factored in. <br /> Jeff Thompson said there was an attempt to budget for an event planner, but this does <br /> not count the other workers. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the rodeo has been in business for 25 years. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier shared some comments she has received from the public. She <br /> said those people who come to a meeting about the fair are typically the people who want a <br /> fair. She said she has gotten phone calls from people who say they will not attend an event <br /> like this. She said people have said they like the idea of a fair, but then they ask about the <br /> cost to the County and the taxpayers, and this changes their opinion. She said others simply <br /> say the County should be spending money on other things. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked who finds corporate sponsors for the rodeo. <br /> Jeff Thompson said he did not know. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if this would be the job of one staff person or the event <br /> planner. <br /> Dave Stancil said there are event planners that are able to handle both fund raising <br /> and event planning. <br />