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Commissioner Gordon asked about page 26-27 and the Eurosport Soccer Center <br /> parking lot repair. She asked if this large dollar amount for the cost is correct. <br /> Staff could not answer that question at this time. <br /> Commissioner Gordon questioned why buildings that are not very old would need to <br /> have their HVAC systems replaced. <br /> Pete Dominico said HVAC units are shown to have an expectant life of 15 years. He <br /> said this is a 10 year capital plan, so any building that is greater than 5 years old will have a <br /> replacement in this plan. <br /> Pete Dominico said there are varying levels of definition in a capital plan. He said the <br /> information in front of them is actuarial, and it takes everything into account. He said this <br /> plan did not get down to designer specifics or what originally went into the buildings. He <br /> said this is a general, apples to apples comparison of each building in order to allow for a <br /> cost analysis. He said ECS does not say that the CIP should be based on this. He said <br /> there might have been an error in the Eurosport Parking lot number, or this could be the <br /> correct number to completely replace the parking lot. He said the option of doing <br /> maintenance or spot repairs is not accounted for in these tables. He said these numbers <br /> are a very broad guide to determine which buildings are stressed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said there are a lot of old buildings in the County which needed <br /> renovations, but she did not expect to see such high dollar requirements for the newer <br /> buildings. <br /> Pete Dominico clarified that the costs listed are to replace items, and there is no <br /> consideration of a simple repair cost. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wants to underscore the fact that the programming at <br /> the Southern Human Services Center needs to be examined, and then the appropriate <br /> construction to provide more services there needs to be completed. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if there is a policy for storage that will encourage staff <br /> and will save on the costs of buildings. <br /> Wayne Fenton said this has not been developed yet, but it is one of the items being <br /> discussed, and there is movement in that direction. <br /> Jeff Thompson said there is a converging basket of record retention requirements and <br /> different departments have different time frames. He said this makes it difficult. He said <br /> electronic record retention is supposed to solve some of this, but that also has different <br /> regulations. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said this was a very useful report, and the analysis was very <br /> helpful for her to see. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said aging space needs is an area that has not been <br /> addressed. She asked if there are methods to estimate what kind of increased space may be <br /> needed for the aging population. <br /> Jeff Thompson said information was gathered from every department regarding regular <br /> service delivery to the aging population as time goes on. He said this is affecting everyone. <br /> He said conversations have taken place about how to use this expertise to make long range <br /> space plans for the general older population. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there is a formula or mechanism for recording all of the different <br /> types of storage needs in order to gain an idea of short and long term needs in each <br /> department. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that mechanism does not exist now, but things are moving in that <br /> direction. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about the next steps for the Board. <br />