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28 j <br /> dollars in one area or on one project and the EPA, as a result of its investigation, could demand that an <br /> equal or greater amount of funds be spent•on another-area or project. <br /> This delay is not benefitting the Rogers Road Area and as I mentioned above is the result of an <br /> investigation that I believe the EPA will find is based on a groundless complaint. The Orange County I <br /> Board of Commissioners has taken positive steps in the last year to assist the Rogers Road Area. Prior <br /> to this investigation surfacing the Board of Commissioners was in the process of committing to expend <br /> funds on improvements in the area. -Based on the actions of the past year I am confident that absent this <br /> investigation all three local governments would be on the verge of approving the extension of sewer lines <br /> and other projects in the Rogers Road Area. <br /> In order to allow this process to resume I request EPA either: 1)Immediately proceed with its ' <br /> investigation to some reasonable and speedy conclusion;or 2) Dismiss the complaint so that the local <br /> governments may proceed with the consideration and possible implementation of the task force <br /> recommendations; or 3) Encourage the complainants to withdraw their petition so that the local i <br /> governments may proceed with consideration and possible Implementation of the task force i <br /> recommendations, <br /> I am available to discuss the investigation at your convenience. <br /> Sincere y, -y ; <br /> John Roberts <br /> Orange County Attorney I <br /> cc: Orange County Commissioners <br /> Michael Talbert, Interim County Manager <br /> Craig Benedict,Planning&Inspections Director j <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br />