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M <br />Three such areas include 1 -40 and two 1 -85 interchange areas (a map will be <br />shown at the meeting). Orange County, the Department of Transportation and <br />Hillsborough Planning Staffs will work on an AMP proposal. <br />Staff will provide an update and any other information at the meeting, and the <br />Board can discuss issues related to this item as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />d) Widening of Interstate 85, Especially Bridges <br />Mayor Tom Stevens requested discussion of this topic at the meeting. <br />Based on any initial comments by Mayor Stevens, the Boards can discuss issues <br />related to this item as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />2. Transit <br />This subject area provides the opportunity for the two governing boards to discuss the following <br />items: <br />a) Update on Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan ( OCBRIP) <br />Implementation <br />The Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan ( OCBRIP) was approved by the <br />BOCC in June 2012. The OCBRIP provides local and regional transit <br />opportunities including expanded bus service and proposed light rail. Voters in <br />November 2012 approved a one -half cent sales tax to fund the local portion of the <br />Plan and collection of the sales tax began on April 1, 2013. <br />Additional background documents such as the adopted OCPRIP can be found via <br />the following link, listed under transportation documents: <br />http: / / orange. nc .us /planning /transportation.asp <br />At the February 4, 2014 BOCC meeting, Triangle Transit presented its annual <br />progress report, summary of draft updates to the OCBRIP financial assumptions, <br />and revenue forecasts. These items can be found via the following link, listed <br />under Agenda Item 7-a- <br /> f <br />Triangle Transit will return to the BOCC in April or May seeking approval of <br />updated OCBRIP financial assumptions, which must be approved by all three <br />parties (Triangle Transit, Orange County, and the Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro <br />MPO) to the Implementation Agreement. <br />Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss <br />issues related to this item as necessary. <br />