Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Bubdi n f ou6c.2 <br />Letter of Intent between Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough, <br />Approved this P day of December, 2013. <br />Orange County is very interested in continuing our long and successful <br />partnership with the Town of Hillsborough (the "Town ") with regard to recycling <br />and waste reduction. Our state- leading programs are the model for success in <br />reducing local government waste disposal and our longstanding local recycling <br />partnership is a model of intergovern mental cooperation and effectiveness. <br />The Town wishes to continue participation in the recycling program. The most <br />timely and least complicated manner in which to proceed would be for the Town <br />to authorize the County to charge and collect a fee for urban curbside recycling <br />within their town limits.. The County would provide turnkey urban curbside <br />recycling services including new roll carts for all Town residents. It is the Town <br />Attorney's opinion that municipalities have the authority to charge for the urban . <br />curbside, recycling services and to authorize the County to provide the services. <br />Orange ' County Intends to: <br />• Immediately proceed with a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Collection <br />Services and Roll Cart acquisition karts may be available by <br />piggybacking); <br />Immediately assist the Town with- the Town's application for DENR Roll <br />Carts Grants; <br />Draft an interim agreement for the Purchase of Roll Carts using grant funds <br />with the Town (and with the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill) whereby <br />o The County will purchase roll out carts for the Town solely for use in <br />the Urban Curbside Recycling Program, and <br />o The Town will use funds resulting from a grant awarded to the Town <br />for the purpose of implementation of curbside recyclable collection <br />to offset the County' expenditure on roll carts; <br />Negotiate in good faith with the Towns to finalize a new comprehensive <br />Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement; as soon as possible but no later than <br />June 30, 2014; <br />Implement the conversion to roll carts for the urban curbside recycling <br />programs as soon as contracts have been approved or purchase authority <br />provided, but no later than July 1, 2014.. <br />The Towns Intend to: <br />