Orange County NC Website
13 <br />DRAFT <br />• Cooperatively develop a Resource Map of known resources of each type existing within <br />the County. <br />• Properties owned by the Town and County shall also be identified on this Resource Map. <br />• Meet annually to update the Resource Map with new resources that are identified through <br />the development review process or other study by either entity. This step shall include <br />consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office for possible amendments to its <br />database. <br />• Share the Resource Map with different departments and divisions within each <br />jurisdiction in advance of any ground - disturbing activity that could impact a resource and <br />determine whether there is a reasonable assumption that the activity could have an <br />adverse impact on a resource. <br />- - -- -Both entities consult to assess the impact of any proposed ground- disturbing activities on <br />these resources, then come to an agreement on a mitigation or documentation strategy. =' <br />Orange County Responsibilities <br />Orange County shall maintain the Geographic Information System data layers associated with <br />this agreement and make them available to the town as needed. <br />Town of Hillsborough Responsibilities <br />The Town of Hillsborough shall provide data from its current evaluation of town owned parcels <br />for the potential presence of resources as the data become available as well as other relevant <br />data. <br />Memorandum of Agreement Terms and Conditions <br />The parties to this Memorandum agree that this Memorandum shall be effective from <br />to _/_/ unless terminated earlier by either party. <br />This Memorandum shall be reviewed at least every five (5) years prior to March lst and may be <br />terminated by either party upon 90 days of written notice. <br />The Memorandum contains the entire understanding of the parties and shall not be altered, <br />amended or modified, except in writing executed by both parties. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum to be signed by its <br />Managers. <br />FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FOR AND ON BEHALF OF <br />ORANGE COUNTY: TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH: <br />