Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> appoint Noah Rannells to the Agricultural Preservation Board where he will be serving a first <br /> full term expiring 06/30/2016 as an at-large representative. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Animal Services Advisory Board —Appointment <br /> The Board considered making appointments to the Animal Services Advisory Board <br /> (ASAB). <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> refer this item back to the ASAB for recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Price said she was going to nominate people and she noted that there <br /> are letters from the board. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is not satisfied with the letters from the ASAB. He said <br /> the letters illustrate his concern that the qualifications are arbitrary. He said it seems to be very <br /> subjective. He said there need to be some objective standards to these criteria. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin suggested a friendly amendment that all of these criteria be <br /> developed with objective standards. <br /> Commissioner McKee said, in a lot of cases, the Board has recommendations for the <br /> boards receiving appointments. He said there have been recommendations from this board in <br /> the past and he feels the ASAB staff has the ability to make recommendations of people who <br /> will fit the positions. He said there is no list, and he feels the Board should wait for this. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if Commissioner McKee would accept the friendly amendment. <br /> Commissioner McKee declined the amendment and said this could be discussed at <br /> another time. <br /> Commissioner Price noted that one of the openings was an at-large position with no <br /> qualifications other than that the appointee is an Orange County citizen. She said she <br /> respects the recommendation of a committee, but it is the responsibility of the Board to have <br /> citizens involved in the government process. She said there is no valid reason not to appoint <br /> an at-large position. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the ASAB director had objections to the appointments made at the <br /> last meeting. Chair Jacobs said he expressed that these appointments are the responsibility of <br /> the Board and are under their purview. He said this led to an email tree that is included in the <br /> packet. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Commissioner Gordon, Commissioner McKee, Commissioner Pelissier, <br /> Commissioner Rich; Nays, 3 (Chair Jacobs, Commissioner Dorosin, Commissioner Price) <br /> c. Chapel Hill / Orange County Visitors Bureau —Appointment <br /> The Board considered making an appointment to the Chapel Hill / Orange County <br /> Visitors Bureau. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> appoint Mrs. Karen DeHart to the Chapel Hill / Orange County Visitors Bureau. She will be <br /> serving a second full term expiring 12/31/2016 as the NC High School Athletic Association <br /> representative in position 6. <br />