Orange County NC Website
She said she is not yet requesting another shelter, though she has not crossed that off <br /> either. She said it is important that the information be shared, so decisions can be made. She <br /> said the IFC does not want to be an emergency shelter anymore. She would like to keep the <br /> conversation open so that decisions can be made. She does not want this to be put on a <br /> shelf. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier suggested the Board should have a work session to look at the <br /> big picture and the revised plan when Jamie Rohe returns. <br /> Commissioner Price requested some statistics for this work session on who is using the <br /> facilities. <br /> Jamie Rohe said she would encourage the County to have the dialogue with all of the <br /> local governments. She would like to see coordination of efforts for affordable housing. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this was discussed at the Assembly of Governments, and there has <br /> been further discussion with the manager regarding the creation of this kind of partnership. <br /> He said if the Board decides to consider an affordable housing bond, there will need to be <br /> coordination of the needs and an understanding of who is doing what. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Mark Peters said he and his family have donated significant time and money to fight <br /> homelessness in the Triangle and other parts of the Country. He said it is good to see the <br /> rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing work addressing the dismantling of <br /> alternatives for the mental health system. <br /> He said he has looked at the report, and he would like to see a clear accounting of <br /> what is needed overall and what is available at specific facilities in the area. He said he would <br /> like these details to be included in the agenda materials. <br /> He asked where the men's emergency shelter beds will be provided. He is concerned <br /> that there is a hole here. He asked who will be providing the emergency beds when the <br /> shelter closes. <br /> He said read the last statement in the report, which stated there is no need to invest in <br /> emergency shelter capacity. He said this is not supported by the report, unless there is a <br /> men's shelter capacity in the County that he is not aware of. He said if the writer's intent is <br /> simply to advocate for funding other initiatives, which leaves the emergency shelter unfunded, <br /> then this should be plainly stated. <br /> His request is that the Commissioners need to plan for emergency shelter capacity and <br /> site it with fair share principles and appropriate public input. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> NONE <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> NONE <br /> 11. Appointments <br /> a. Agricultural Preservation Board —Appointment <br /> The Board considered making an appointment to the Agricultural Preservation Board. <br />