Minutes 12-10-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 12-10-2013
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/19/2014 9:07:34 AM
Creation date
2/19/2014 8:40:18 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - Agenda
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 4a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 4b
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 5a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6b
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6c
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6d
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6e
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6f
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6g
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6h
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7b
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7c
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7d
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 8a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-11a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-11b
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-11c
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-11d
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-13 (2)
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-13 (3)
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-13 (4)
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 12-10-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Proclamation proclaiming December 15, 2013 Bill of Rights Day
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RES-2013-108 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-109 Resolution approving Property Tax Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-110 Resolution approving a Conservation Easement for Michael Hughes and Dale Morgan
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RES-2013-111 Resolution Approving Financing Terms and Documents for 2014 Installment Financing
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The OCPEH will annually conduct its Unmet Need Calculation and use these findings to <br /> regularly update the goals and strategies of its Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. <br /> Recommendations <br /> Based on Orange County's Unmet Need Calculation, HEARTH Act goals and evidence-based <br /> practices the OCPEH recommends: <br /> 1. Our community should increase funding for Rapid Re-Housing (administered by the <br /> Department of Social Services) and Permanent Supportive Housing (administered by Cardinal <br /> Innovations and the Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health) programs, both of <br /> which are evidence-based practices for helping people ultimately resolve their homelessness. <br /> 2. At present there is no need to invest in Emergency Shelter capacity. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said, per HUD requirements, the County needs to monitor this <br /> on a yearly basis. She said the Commissioners will be receiving a full report about the change <br /> in the plan, which integrates the housing with the services. She said Jamie Rohe will be out of <br /> the Country, and this will delay this a bit. She said it is challenging to talk about some of this <br /> without the context of the federal changes, best practices and the plan to end homelessness. <br /> She said the summary of the changes centers on solving the problem of <br /> homelessness, and ending it, rather than managing it. <br /> Jamie Rohe said the evolution of the field of homelessness has really shifted from the <br /> immediate emergency response, to longer term shelter, to transitional housing. She said it has <br /> now evolved to permanent supportive housing, which is intended to stop the revolving door of <br /> people with disabilities coming in and out of shelters, and get them off the street. She said <br /> chronic homelessness is a tragic human condition, and it is very expensive for society. <br /> She said rapid re-housing is the newest model, and it is seen as a way to end <br /> homelessness as quickly as possible, while right sizing the assistance being received. <br /> Jamie Rohe said the homelessness housing situation is viewed as a system. She said <br /> there will always be a need for emergency shelter, but permanent supportive and rapid re- <br /> housing are what is recommended to actually end homelessness. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the jail alternatives workgroup discussed the issue of <br /> permanent supportive housing today. She said this was a roadblock to all of the individuals <br /> cycling in and out of the jails. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if work is being done with employment agencies to help <br /> people get out on their own and be able to stay in a home. <br /> Jamie Rohe said income and housing are essential to ending homelessness. She said, <br /> for people who are able to work, one of the primary initiatives of the partnership is the job <br /> partners program. She said this is administered by the Community Empowerment Fund. She <br /> said this group is also working with Job Link and the Skills Development Center, as well as <br /> other partners in the community. <br /> She said the partnership is recommending the prioritization of investing in permanent <br /> supportive housing and rapid re-housing, and she would like to have a richer dialogue with the <br /> Board and elected officials to explain why. She said there is not enough affordable rental <br /> housing, and this is a huge problem. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the Board could continue this discussion in more detail at a <br /> later date. She would like to know where these homeless people are staying if they are not <br /> staying at the shelters. She said this is a good start, but the conversation needs to be <br /> continued. <br />
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