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Commissioner Gordon said it seems the podium display works for people who don't <br /> have a device, but others can use individual devices. She said this gives flexibility to have <br /> varying numbers of people seated at the dais. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the dais will accommodate up to 11 people. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she does like looking at the presenter and podium, and she <br /> likes being able to bring it up on the computer. <br /> Chair Jacobs said having up to 50 people able to access the feed may help reduce the <br /> necessary number of overhead monitors. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there is a standard distance of the podium from dais. <br /> David Taylor said the distance is similar to distance at Town of Chapel Hill and the <br /> Town Council chambers. He said the podium is on casters, which makes it flexible. <br /> Jeff Thompson said when staff did the tours years ago, many places had intimate <br /> closeness - as little as 8 feet. He said this can be moved back to suit the Board's pleasure. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he would be interested to see different permutations of the <br /> closeness of the podium to dais. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if it is possible to have more than one junction box. <br /> David Taylor said the plan is to have three floor boxes for wiring. He said adding more <br /> floor outlets would cause more construction in the health department, and these are also <br /> expensive. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked why one of these boxes will be located in the conference <br /> room. <br /> David Taylor said this will allow a network in the conference room, and the ability to <br /> plug in laptops and project onto a flat screen. <br /> Jeff Thompson said this makes that room much more flexible from a technology <br /> standpoint. <br /> David Taylor said this could be helpful for closed session presentations. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> authorize the Manager to proceed with the podium mounted display and the study of visual <br /> display technologies that integrate into devices provided to the Board. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she would like some sort of mockup of the room before the <br /> final decisions are made. <br /> Jeff Thompson said this is part of the plan. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Commissioner Dorosin) <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said four of the Commissioners use laptops, and he thinks the <br /> big screen facing the dais is unnecessary and is not a good use of funds. He said the podium <br /> is too close and should be further back. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the big screen could be removed or turned off if it was found to not <br /> be useful. He agreed with the idea of seeing a mockup of the room. <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Emergency Shelter Future Needs Report <br />