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Commissioner Gordon said she wants to make sure she understands what is included <br /> in the approval for tonight. She asked if this includes the $382,000. <br /> Clarence Grier said the $382,000 has already been approved, and tonight's approval <br /> will be for just the OPEB $3 million. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin clarified that the manager's recommendation is to have the $1.8 <br /> million stay as is. <br /> Michael Talbert said yes. He said that flexibility will be needed to fund the CIP and the <br /> operating cost for next year. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he would be in favor of moving some of this to the Social <br /> Justice fund. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> approve the suggested use of the fund balance for OPEB. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that if the Board does not raise taxes for 2014-15, it would be the <br /> 6th year that the Board has not raised taxes. He said it might be argued that, subject to <br /> uncontrolled circumstance, a fairly stable system of financial governance has been achieved. <br /> He said this is a good improvement. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the school district tax has been raised, so it is not accurate <br /> to say taxes have not been raised. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the general property tax has not been raised. <br /> a. Whitted Permanent Meeting Room Technology Elements Update <br /> The Board continued review of the visual aid technology elements related to the dais <br /> and floor meeting video content viewing identified by the Board; receive demonstrations of the <br /> proposed podium mounted visual display and a dais mounted display; and authorize the <br /> Manager to proceed with the podium mounted display and the study of visual display <br /> technologies that integrate into devices provided to the Board. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the Board specifically wanted to be able to see clearly from the <br /> dais. He said the dais is about 7 inches off the floor, and the video monitor is 12 feet away <br /> from the center of the dais. He said the monitor is 60 inches and has a 173 degree wide <br /> viewing angle. <br /> Jeff Thompson referred to the demonstration of a network streaming system that will <br /> follow the podium's content. He said this will allow the podium content to be at the <br /> Commissioner's places. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the podium will be handicap accessible, and it will be on casters so <br /> it can be moved around the room. <br /> Commissioner Price asked why the current podium is not closer. <br /> Jeff Thompson said this has to do with the current position of the camera and lighting. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she can see the screen quite well as it is. She asked about <br /> the content streaming and whether this would be received on a specific type of device. <br /> Jeff Thompson said staff will be testing this on several devices. He said the technology <br /> can accommodate up to 50 users in the room. <br />