Minutes 12-10-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 12-10-2013
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/19/2014 9:07:34 AM
Creation date
2/19/2014 8:40:18 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - Agenda
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 4a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 4b
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 5a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6c
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6d
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6e
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6f
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6g
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 6h
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7b
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7c
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 7d
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Agenda - 12-10-2013 - 8a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-11a
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-11b
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-11d
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-13 (2)
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-13 (3)
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Agenda - 12-10-2013-13 (4)
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 12-10-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Proclamation proclaiming December 15, 2013 Bill of Rights Day
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-108 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-109 Resolution approving Property Tax Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-110 Resolution approving a Conservation Easement for Michael Hughes and Dale Morgan
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-111 Resolution Approving Financing Terms and Documents for 2014 Installment Financing
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Commissioner Dorosin asked if there is a sense of how many of these residents were <br /> already not participating in the service. <br /> Michael Talbert said this information can be gotten from the RFID chips on the newer <br /> containers. He said, from the visual perspective of the drivers, about 60-65 percent set out <br /> recycling containers on any given 2 week schedule. He said this may mean that people only <br /> use the service once a month or it may mean that only 65 percent are using it, though he does <br /> not think this is the case. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the premise of the "opt out" option is that people, who may <br /> recycle when it is part of their taxes, won't participate if it is a separate bill. He is trying to <br /> understand this. He said this seems odd, since he feels people recycle because they are <br /> philosophically committed to it, or they are not. He does not feel that he has enough <br /> information about the impacts of any of these options. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she feels the same way about not having enough information <br /> to make a decision. She said the raising of the fee may cause people to opt out, and the idea <br /> of the subscription service does not sit well with her. She feels the County should have a <br /> program that everyone could use, and she is not in favor of this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she is concerned about the subscription service. She said <br /> one concern is that the best case scenario would be that 20% would opt out. She said this <br /> means that the best estimates are that the participation rates will be lower than they are now. <br /> She questioned what the expectations of the municipalities would be. She noted that the <br /> municipalities have all residents participating, and she feels that the County needs to touch <br /> base with the Town officials about this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she understands the concern regarding the fact that vacant <br /> properties will have to pay the fee. She said she would like to see a public hearing on the <br /> service district. She said this would allow comments and would give time to provide more <br /> information on the subscription service. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the Board is between a rock and a hard place. She said <br /> the County should have the right to levy a fee. She feels there are a lot of uncertainties, and <br /> some of this information simply isn't out there. She said a decision simply has to be made how <br /> to proceed, and she would like to mirror the Towns as much as possible. She said taxes are <br /> always paid for services that not everyone uses. She said land owners don't use most of the <br /> services they pay for, but there are things that just have to be accepted. She wants to see the <br /> community maintain its commitment to recycling. She thinks the best option is to do a tax <br /> district. She said a public hearing needs to be held sooner rather than later. <br /> Commissioner Price said she concurs with the previous comments, and her main <br /> concern is the increase of the fee. <br /> Michael Talbert said the fee will go up no matter what option is chosen. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin echoed Commissioner Pelissier's point. He thinks it is wrong to <br /> think that one option is going to yield greater participation. He does think if this service is <br /> important then the way to pay for it is through taxes. He would support a hearing on the <br /> service district, and then the Board can take it from there. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the main point is the commitment to recycling, and he is <br /> most comfortable with providing an option to do this for a fee rather than an additional tax. <br /> The cost will go up $20 a year, and that is not that much. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he came to this meeting without a starting inclination, wanting to <br /> hear what his peers had to say. He said he is inclined to stand by the principle of minimizing <br /> their adverse impact on the environment. He said the way to do that is to provide the residents <br /> a service that will make it easy for them to do the right thing. He is more inclined to talk about <br /> having a district. <br />
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