Orange County NC Website
service and who does not get service, as well as who should have the carts and where are <br /> they. Carts are not cheap disposable items. These and other key operational issues should be <br /> addressed before approving Action Agenda Item 7b. <br /> 3. Lastly, there is the issue of perception associated with both a voluntary service in the <br /> county and the diversion of general funds to pay for the first 6 months of the program. The <br /> towns have agreed to participate with the county on curbside recycling, but there has been at <br /> least an implied assumption that the town and rural programs would be equivalent (mandatory, <br /> fee-based in the towns and tax district-based in the county). With approval of Action Agenda <br /> Item 7b, the playing field may well be changed, if not in fact, at least in perception. I urge you <br /> to assure yourselves of acceptance of such a program on the part of your equivalent town <br /> elected officials before approval. The recycling efforts in Orange County do not need another <br /> bump in the road. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. I again apologize for not being able to be there this <br /> evening. <br /> Jan Sassaman <br /> 201 Bolinwood Dr. <br /> Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br /> Dear Commissioners: <br /> Thank you for taking the time to carefully examine funding options for rural curbside recycling. <br /> We fully support the manager's recommendation for a voluntary fee for users of the service <br /> (called a "subscription fee"). We would appreciate your help in asking staff to clarify: <br /> (1) whether the rural service will be weekly or bi-weekly; (2) what constitutes "written <br /> notification" to opt-out - specifically whether email notification will be accepted; and (3) what <br /> happens if a household decides to opt-out after the initial 45 day opt-out period. <br /> The option to charge a fee subsidized by general fund revenues seems fair and easy to <br /> understand. It is consistent with the funding approach that will be used for the town's <br /> recycling and for the convenience centers. We hope that you will ask staff to disclose the <br /> amount of the general fund subsidy in their annual budget. That would improve fiscal control <br /> and transparency. <br /> Questions have been raised about the suitability of roll carts for rural homes with long private <br /> roads and driveways. The county could increase participation if customers were given the <br /> option to choose roll carts or keep their orange bins. Either way, you may want to delay <br /> investing in new trucks and roll carts until you have a better idea about participation rates. <br /> Please adopt the manager's recommendation to provide services under a voluntary <br /> subscription fee that allows households to opt out. Whether they choose to use curbside <br /> recycling or not, we are confident that rural households will continue to recycle aggressively. <br /> Thank you for considering our view. Please include this letter in the public record. <br /> Sincerely, <br />