Agenda - 02-24-2014 - C7
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-24-2014 - Quarterly Public Hearing
Agenda - 02-24-2014 - C7
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Last modified
6/3/2015 10:49:24 AM
Creation date
2/17/2014 2:11:36 PM
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Public Hearing
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-24-2014
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designated for UDO /Comprehensive Plan- related public hearings 13. The fee for <br />modifying the Plan shall be that as set forth in the Orange County Schedule of Fees. <br />(F) Withdrawal from the Plan is permitted if any owner submits, to the Planning Director, a <br />notarized statement requesting same. Upon receipt of the request, including any fee for <br />modifying the Plan as set forth in the Orange County Schedule of Fees, the Planning <br />Director shall inform interested parties that the property has been withdrawn from <br />consideration. Removal of the property from the Plan shall be processed as a <br />modification as detailed herein. <br />5.'P,3 Annual Telecommunications Projection Meeting (ATPM) <br />A) Purpose and Outcome <br />(1) The purpose of the ATPM meeting is to allow for a complete review of co catior <br />opportunities, address coverage issues, and discuss the location of ne ded <br />telecommunication support structures with providers who intent on s mitting <br />development applications for action by the County. The intended tcome of the <br />meeting is to allow the County and interested parties to develop plan for facility <br />deployment within the County that provides reasonable cover e based on the <br />n eds of the County and its residents, while minimizing the otal number of <br />nee ed telecommunication support facilities, including i imizing the <br />intrust ness of such facilities, and encouraging the d elopment of a more <br />efficient lecommunication network. <br />(2) The intende outcome of the meeting is an and tanding amongst the Planning <br />Director and p eiders on areas of the County here telecommunication support <br />facilities are nee d and application reques or the year should be focused. <br />(B) Applicability <br />(1) By December 31St of eac calendar ar, telecommunication providers shall <br />submit to the Planning Dire or a an indicating proposed search rings for <br />anticipated telecommunicatio pport structures. This plan shall identify areas <br />where providers are looking I ate facilities, as well as identify those areas of <br />the County that are under s rved b existing facilities. <br />(2) As of the effective date f this Ordinan amendment any pending applications <br />that have not receive a zoning complian e permit or a special use permit shall <br />meet all requirem is of this Ordinance, inc ding, but not limited to submission <br />deadlines, app li tion standards and processi , excluding the ATPM <br />requirement. <br />(C) Meeting Specific <br />(1) The eting shall occur by the end of January of each c lendar year. <br />(2) AtVhdees shall include all carriers and tower companies wh have either filed <br />plications the previous year or anyone who has expressed interest in filing <br />/(4) an application to construct a telecommunication support facility in the County. <br />The County shall notify each party of the date, time, and place of the eeting no <br />later than 30 days prior to the meeting. <br />Those individuals /firms intent on submitting development applications are <br />expected to attend the meeting. While a lack of attendance will not prevent t <br />submittal of an application, it will prevent the applicant's ability to participate in <br />the discussions outlining the areas of concentration for the location of <br />13 Since the dates for public hearings may change from year to year if the public hearing process change <br />amendments are adopted, it is not possible to pinpoint a date for hearings. Therefore, staff is suggesting that any <br />entity that would like to modify the Master Telecom Plan be permitted to apply for any of the public hearing dates <br />where UDO /Comprehensive Plan items can be considered. <br />322 <br />Return to Agenda <br />
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