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311 <br />prescribed in Section 2.3.2(B); or <br />(D) The Planning Director. <br />2.0.E ;lassifisatien of Amendments' <br />2.3.5 Public Hearing Required <br />A public hearing shall be held before adoption of any proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. <br />The Board of County Commissioners shall hear applications and receive <br />public comment for proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments OR a n„ahorl„ D„hl, uoAI,-Onn at <br />a meeting designated for UDO /Comprehensive Plan- related public hearings. Dates for said <br />meetings shall be designated each year in accordance with Section 2.8.12. <br />2.3.6 Notice Requirements for Public Hearings <br />(A) Notice of the public hearing shall be given by publishing said notice at least twice in a <br />newspaper of general circulation in the County, stating the time and place of such <br />hearing and the substance of the proposed amendment. <br />(B) This notice shall appear in said newspaper for two consecutive weeks with the first notice <br />appearing not less than ten days nor more than 25 days before the date set for the public <br />hearing. In computing the notice period, the day of publication is not to be included, but <br />the day of the hearing is to be included. <br />(C) The minimum published size of the notice shall be 25 square inches. <br />(D) In the case of amendments to the I and Use DI^^ 'm^^` Future Land Use Ma P2, the <br />Planning Director shall prominently post a notice of the public hearing on the site <br />proposed for the land use change or on an adjacent public street or highway right of way <br />not less than ten days before the date set for the public hearing. <br />If the proposed text amendments are adopted, public hearings will no longer be held on only a quarterly basis. <br />Because of this, the text in Section 2.3.7 (A) (B) and (C) becomes obsolete which means that the text in this section <br />(2.3.4) is effectively no longer relevant. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan could be heard at any of the <br />public hearings that will be designated each year for UDO /Comprehensive Plan- related items. Note that all <br />subsequent subsections on 2.3 will be renumbered with the removal of Section 2.3.4. <br />2 The official name of the map was clarified /changed on February 7, 2012. <br />Return to Agenda <br />