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307 <br />103 Pete Hallenbeck: I think that could be mentioned to the Commissioners but it is definitely their call. I see their <br />104 concern that the Planning Board meeting would not be a public hearing. If people show to speak all of a sudden it is <br />105 a public hearing but the Planning Board is a mechanism for receiving input. <br />106 <br />107 Paul Guthrie: Does that mean inversely if someone wants to speak on the subject on our agenda, they cannot <br />108 speak. <br />109 <br />110 Pete Hallenbeck: The way I read it is if they have something written down they are allowed to come and give it to <br />111 the Board. I think the Planning Board could interact with them if they had questions or clarifications. The only thing <br />112 1 would worry about with someone giving just oral evidence at the Planning Board meeting is that has to be carefully <br />113 documented as we certainly don't a scenario where someone says they said something at a meeting and there is <br />114 no documentation of it. The public hearing is better equipped for that. Finally, the Commissioners may, for the <br />115 same reason that I was, want to have Planning Board member present at the public hearings. I think the <br />116 Commissioners get a lot from hearing people talk and how they speak and how passionate they are and that might <br />117 be another reason they want to make sure that if somebody's just doing an oral presentation, they hear it. If staff <br />118 wanted to bounce that off the Commissioners and verify, yes we want oral presentations only at the County <br />119 Commissioners' meetings and anything presented at Planning Board should be written, they can verify that. I am a <br />120 little nervous about the Planning Board taking oral presentations we have to be careful of the interactions and <br />121 cannot promise anything like they can. The vote we have is not binding and the Commissioners are not at Planning <br />122 Board meetings to get all those nuances that come with an oral presentation. <br />123 <br />124 Paul Guthrie: I have some concerns in the bigger picture than this topic. Putting that kind of restrictions on <br />125 communications to a citizen advisory board. I think it's a road we have to be very careful about how we define <br />126 because it could have major implications on the ability of this Board to function in what I perceive is what it's <br />127 capacity is. That goes beyond this. <br />128 <br />129 Pete Hallenbeck: I do believe it does have to be carefully spelled out. You could have problems if you said all you <br />130 can do is come and give us written paper and I think you would have a problem if anyone could just walk in and <br />131 start talking and interacting and how the Planning Board would convey that to the Commissioners. <br />132 <br />133 Paul Guthrie: I'm done. <br />134 <br />135 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** <br />Return to Agenda <br />