Agenda - 02-24-2014 - C7
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-24-2014 - Quarterly Public Hearing
Agenda - 02-24-2014 - C7
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6/3/2015 10:49:24 AM
Creation date
2/17/2014 2:11:36 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-24-2014
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C1. <br />54 <br />55 Pete Hallenbeck: I also like the quicker review and more meetings and less time for the public to get something <br />56 through. That is certainly the number one point of all of this. <br />57 <br />58 Perdita Holtz: I should mention that it is probably not going to be less time from application deadline to decision but <br />59 there will be more opportunities for someone to submit an application. If they miss a deadline, they don't have to <br />60 wait as long until the next application deadline. <br />61 <br />62 Paul Guthrie: On page 19, in the new language, Planning Board shall make a recommendation based on <br />63 information entered into the record at the public hearing but not make the finding required in section 5.3.2A. Does <br />64 that mean that it is going to be the individual duty of the Planning Board member to look at all the documentation <br />65 put in the public record at the time of the hearing in order to justify its decision? <br />66 <br />67 Perdita Holtz: No, this is for Special Use Permits. They don't come along that often but for Class A Special Use <br />68 Permits there is a 15 page form of yes /no answers that staff fills out for the Planning Board on whether it meets the <br />69 requirements of various sections such as if they have enough landscaping, if they have enough buffer, etc. and we <br />70 check yes or no in staff's opinion and then the Planning Board either concurs with that opinion or dissents from that <br />71 opinion. On that form there are four questions that staff does not make a recommendation on and those are things <br />72 that the Planning Board has to come to its own conclusion about and the BOCC has to come to its own conclusion <br />73 as well. Those are the section referenced here and if you were not at the hearing it would be legally murky to make <br />74 those findings if you weren't in attendance so that is what this is in reference to. I should also mention that on page <br />75 17, the language of 2.3.10b needs to be revised a little bit before it goes to public hearing so that will be changing <br />76 from what you see in front of you here. <br />77 <br />78 Paul Guthrie: You have similar language in 2.8.8b. Another question, have you thought about how you would <br />79 space the 8 mandatory hearing dates? <br />80 <br />81 Perdita Holtz: It is going to be up to the BOCC to decide that but we as staff are going to recommend to them that <br />82 they probably do hearings in the months of February, March, April, May, September, October, November. January <br />83 they only have one meeting per year and it is usually very full and in December those are the last meetings before <br />84 the break so we don't want to put them there plus the agenda deadlines are different due to the holidays. June is off <br />85 as it is very budget heavy month when they have to adopt the budget by the end of the month. That is our staff <br />86 recommendation but the BOCC will stagger them however they want. <br />87 <br />88 Paul Guthrie: Again in 2.8.8e, which is existing language, do you think that existing language is a little too <br />89 restrictive given the new format of not having the joint hearings? Essentially, the first time we'll be exposed to <br />90 testimony will be in the presentation at the Planning Board meeting and does that mean we cut off verbal testimony. <br />91 <br />92 Perdita Holtz: The reason it was adopted was the BOCC did not want to have oral evidence at the Planning Board <br />93 meetings that they did not also hear. That is why this language exists. The meeting at the Planning Board is not <br />94 going to be an official public hearing it is just a regular Planning Board meeting and technically people will not be <br />95 able to come and speak if they don't also have their comments in writing. If you think that is not desirable, you can <br />96 make a recommendation to look at that or change the language. <br />97 <br />98 Paul Guthrie: I would encourage you to think about it because, and I'm wondering if that may even need to be <br />99 elaborated on a little bit, because if somebody wants to come the Planning Board meeting or only knows about it <br />100 through the Planning Board then we are advising County Commissioners who have already had a hearing. It <br />101 bothers me a little bit. <br />102 <br />Return to Agenda <br />
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