Orange County NC Website
-1 <br />Efland - Cheeks Highway 70 Corridor Overlay District Boundaries <br />I Legend .:.,, r ,.......m.., <br />— - EOand- Cheeks Highway 70 Corridor Overlay OWct <br />QAre- designaled commercial area <br />[Note to be removed if adopted: Map to be deleted from UDO and boundary to be shown only on Zoning <br />Atlas] <br />4.4.3 Non - residential Development <br />Non - residential development within the Highway 70 Corridor shall be limited to the following and <br />shall be in accordance with the standards contained in this Section and Section 6.62. <br />(A) Pre - designated commercial area as indicated on the Orange County Zoning Atlas, and <br />(B) Along Highway 70 as depicted on the Orange County Zoning Atlas. <br />4.4.4 Permitted Uses <br />Within the ECOD, uses of land and structures shall be permitted as follows: <br />(A) Non - residential development within the pre- designated commercial area shall adhere to <br />the permitted and special uses outlined for the Neighborhood Commercial - 2 (NC -2) <br />zoning district as contained within Section 5.2 of this Ordinance. <br />(B) Non - residential uses within the Highway 70 Corridor Overlay District, shall be limited to <br />professional office and similar institutional uses and shall abide by the standards <br />contained in this Section and Section 6.6 2. <br />(C) No more than 40% of the Highway 70 corridor outside of the pre- designated commercial <br />areas shall be permitted for non - residential uses. <br />(1) This figure shall be calculated by the sum of the street frontage of lots used for <br />non - residential purposes compared to the total street frontage of all lots on both <br />sides of the roadway outside of the pre- designated commercial areas along the <br />overlay district corridor. <br />(2) The 40% limitation includes non - residential uses conducted within new or <br />converted /rehabilitated structures that have a residential appearance. <br />4.4.5 Lot and Use Requirements for Non - Residential Development <br />In addition to the Development Standards in Section 6.6.2, the following" lot and use requirements <br />shall apply to all applicable non - residential development within the pre- designated commercial <br />areas and along the Highway 70 corridor <br />(A) Minimum Lot Width <br />