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M <br />exercise yard in which animals are housed or exercised shall be closer than 150 feet from a <br />property line, except property occupied by the owner /operator of the kennel'. This new <br />language incorporated previous staff interpretations as to what, exactly, had to meet the 150 <br />foot setback. <br />As previously indicated the applicant expanded their existing kennel facility and were required to <br />seek a modification of their existing SUP to allow for the expansion to remain. Unfortunately the <br />expanded exercise area is located within required setbacks, as interpreted and enforced in 2006 <br />and as now contained within Section 5.6.5 (A) (2) of the UDO. <br />The applicant is seeking to reduce required setbacks for Class II Kennels, developed within the <br />EDE -2 zoning district only, to 25 feet. This is the existing, typical, required setback for <br />structures developed within the district. Approval of this amendment will not eliminate the <br />requirement for the applicant to modify their existing SUP. Approval of the text amendment will, <br />however, reduce the required setback they have to observe. <br />Attachment 1 provides the applicant's recommended language. <br />Staff Analysis: Per Section 2.8.5 of the UDO the Planning Director shall analyze the application <br />and prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and the BOCC. In <br />reviewing this application, the Planning Director would like to offer the following comment(s): <br />1. The application has been deemed complete per Section 2.8.3 of the UDO. <br />2. If approved, the text amendment will only impact Class II Kennels developed within the <br />EDE -2 zoning district. It will not be applied in other general use zoning districts. <br />3. Impacts generated by a kennel operation are universal and are not mitigated just <br />because said operation is located within a non - residential general use zoning district. <br />The question here is what constitutes an appropriate setback for a kennel in an effort to <br />address potential impacts on adjacent property. <br />4. There is nothing inherently significant about the EDE -2 general use zoning district <br />mandating kennel operations be allowed to observe a `different' setback requirement <br />from other non - residential general use zoning districts throughout the County. <br />5. Staff believes reducing the proximity for outdoor exercise areas, or buildings housing <br />kennel operations, may limit the marketability /development potential of adjacent property <br />as concerns over noise /odors will be more prevalent. <br />For additional information please refer to Attachment 2. <br />Notification Procedural Requirements: Legal ads for the public hearing were placed in a <br />newspaper of general circulation in the County in accordance with Section 2.8.7 of the UDO. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by County departments who have <br />determined that the approval or denial of the request would not create the need for additional <br />funding for the provision of County services. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Planning Director recommends the Board: <br />1. Receive the proposed amendments to the UDO as detailed in this abstract and <br />attachments. <br />