Agenda - 02-18-2014 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-18-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-18-2014 - 7a
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Last modified
6/3/2015 10:32:20 AM
Creation date
2/17/2014 11:31:51 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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2014-542-E AMS - Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association for Operating Agreement governing the Rogers Road Community Center $0
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2014
Minutes 02-18-2014
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11 <br />Final Draft Attachment 2 <br />OPERATIONS AGREEMENT: ROGERS ROAD COMMUNITY CENTER <br />This Operations Agreement (the "Agreement ") for the operation of the community and recreation <br />center at (hereinafter the "Center ") is made and entered into this _ day <br />of 2013, between Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood Association, Incorporated, a <br />North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation (hereinafter "RENA ") and Orange County (hereinafter the <br />"County ") referred to jointly hereafter as "Parties ". <br />The Parties hereby agree as follows: <br />1. Term <br />The term of this Agreement shall be from the day and date first recorded above and shall <br />continue for a period of five (5) years. The Agreement may be renewed as provided herein. <br />2. Use and Operations <br />a) RENA shall: <br />i. Provide a full schedule and updates, as they become available, of all <br />activities and programs at the Center. <br />ii. Operate and staff the Center Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. <br />and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. <br />iii. Notify County in advance of any anticipated closure, delayed opening, or <br />early closing of the Center that is contrary to the hours set forth in section <br />2(a)(ii) above, and pursuant to section 2(c)(iii) below. For purposes of this <br />section, RENA's duty to notify is fulfilled where the information has been <br />posted on an internet calendar of events or an email listsery for which the <br />County has access, or has been included in the schedule and updates <br />provided for in section (2)(a)(i) above. <br />iv. Provide to the County a quarterly analysis report on Center enrollment, <br />trends, and timing for RENA classes, programs, and activity sessions. <br />V. Maintain worker's compensation insurance covering its Employees working at <br />the Center. <br />vi. Maintain general liability insurance coverage as outlined in Section 4 of this <br />Agreement. <br />vii. Appoint a liaison to communicate with the County regarding all matters <br />related to this Agreement. <br />viii. Maintain the Center facilities in a clean and orderly state. RENA may arrange <br />furniture as may be needed to provide for the orderly operation of the Center. <br />ix. At the conclusion of RENA's hours of operation each day pursuant to section <br />2(a)(ii) above, clean and restore the Center kitchen, bathrooms, and activity <br />rooms to the same state and condition in which they existed prior to use by <br />RENA's volunteers and employees or the public. <br />X. Reimburse County promptly for any damage caused to County property, <br />pursuant to sections (c)(vi) and (c)(viii) below, by RENA Employees, <br />volunteers, customers, guests, or invitees. <br />A. Comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, or <br />regulations. <br />xii. May, upon receiving appropriate permitting, serve meals as part of <br />designated programs. <br />xiii. May, upon receiving appropriate permitting and authorization as required by <br />law and written authorization from the County Manager, serve alcohol as part <br />of approved events. <br />
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