Orange County NC Website
22 <br />1 Commissioner Rich asked about a clustered area in southern Chapel Hill that is not in <br />2 the blue. She asked for clarification on why this would not be serviced when the areas around it <br />3 are serviced. <br />4 Michael Talbert said this district was defined about a year ago, and it was based on <br />5 existing routes. He said this district was just filled in with parcels for this map. He said this may <br />6 change if a district plan is developed. <br />7 Chair Jacobs said it sounds as if the majority board wants option 1, on page two, which <br />8 is to create a solid waste service district. He asked for clarifications on the ramifications of this. <br />9 Michael Talbert said this starts on page 6, and is from the October 8th abstract. <br />10 He reviewed the abstract information below: <br />11 <br />12 There is a process to create a Solid Waste Tax Service District that is identical to the process <br />13 used for the creation of Fire Service Districts completed in the spring of 2013. <br />14 <br />15 Schedule and Publish a Notice of Public Hearing: <br />16 <br />17 Prior to the Public Hearing, the County must prepare a Report on the district. A copy of the <br />18 report must be kept in the Clerk's office. The report must contain the following: <br />19 <br />20 1. A map of the proposed district, showing its proposed boundaries; <br />21 2. A statement showing that the proposed district meets the standards set out in subsection <br />22 (a); and <br />23 3. A plan for providing one or more of the services listed in G.S. 153A -301 to the district. <br />24 <br />25 The Report should also include: <br />26 <br />27 1. The resident or seasonal population and population density of the proposed district. <br />28 2. The appraised value of property subject to taxation in the proposed district. <br />29 3. The present tax rates of the county and any cities or special districts in which the district or <br />30 any portion thereof is located. <br />31 4. The ability of the proposed district to sustain the additional taxes necessary to provide the <br />32 services planned for the district. <br />33 5. If it is proposed to furnish water, sewer, or solid waste collection services in the district, the <br />34 probable net revenues of the projects to be financed and the extent to which the services will <br />35 be self - supporting. <br />36 6. Any other matters that the commissioners believe to have a bearing on whether the district <br />37 should be established. <br />38 <br />39 Notice of Public Hearing must be mailed (first class prepaid is fine), at least 4 weeks prior to the <br />40 date of the public hearing, to the "owners as shown by the county tax records as of the <br />41 preceding January 1 (and at the address shown thereon) of all property located within the <br />42 proposed district." <br />43 <br />44 Commissioner McKee asked if this is doable with the current staff. <br />45 Michael Talbert said staff may need extra help to get out 13,000 letters, which would <br />46 have to go out 4 weeks prior to a public hearing. He said if the Board would be willing to set a <br />47 late March or early April public hearing date, this would give staff adequate time to put together <br />48 the details of a district. <br />49 Commissioner Gordon asked if the idea was to come back with plan in January. <br />