Orange County NC Website
payable for Basic Services is Twenty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($29,500). <br /> In the event the amount stated on an invoice is disputed by the County, the County may <br /> withhold payment of all or a portion of the amount stated on an invoice until the parties <br /> resolve the dispute. Payment for Basic Services shall become due and payable in direct <br /> proportion to satisfactory services performed and work accomplished. Payments will be <br /> made as percentages of the whole as Project milestones as set out in Section 3(a)(ii) are <br /> achieved. (For example, if there are 10 Project Tasks with Milestone Dates then <br /> Provider may invoice for the first 10% of the whole upon County's acknowledgement of <br /> the satisfactory completion of Task one. Upon the County's acknowledgement that the <br /> second Task has been satisfactorily completed Provider may invoice for the next 10% of <br /> the whole.) <br /> b. Additional Services. County shall not be responsible for costs related to any services in <br /> addition to the Basic Services performed by Provider unless County requests such <br /> additional services in writing and such additional services are evidenced by a written <br /> amendment to this Agreement. <br /> c. Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable expenses are in addition to the fees for Basic <br /> Services and are for the following expenditures to the extent reasonable and actually <br /> incurred by the Provider with respect to the Project: <br /> i) Actual expenditures for postage, reproductions, photography, and long distance <br /> telephone charges directly attributable to this Project. <br /> ii) The actual cost of reproduction of reports, plans and specifications excluding <br /> documents for exclusive use by the Provider. <br /> iii) The Provider shall not be entitled to any mark-up on actual expenses incurred. <br /> iv) Reimbursable expenses shall be compensated by the County along with invoices for <br /> Basic Services provided by Provider. Payment of Reimbursable Expenses shall be <br /> subject to Provider's timely submission of valid receipts for any such expenses and <br /> approval by the County. Any additional charges not specified herein, must be <br /> mutually agreed to in advance by County and Provider and documented in writing <br /> with a letter signed by authorized representatives for County and Provider and, <br /> subject to budgeted funds. <br /> 6. Responsibilities of the County <br /> a. Cooperation and Coordination. The County has designated the (Lucinda Munger) to <br /> act as the County's representative with respect to the Project and shall have the authority <br /> to render decisions within guidelines established by the County Manager and/or the <br /> County Board of Commissioners and shall be available during working hours as often as <br /> may be reasonably required to render decisions and to furnish information. <br /> 7. Insurance <br /> a. General Requirements. Provider shall obtain, at its sole expense, Commercial General <br /> Liability Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance, and any <br /> additional insurance as may be required by Owner's Risk Manager as such insurance <br /> requirements are described in the Orange County Risk Transfer Policy and Orange <br /> County Minimum Insurance Coverage Requirements (each document is incorporated <br /> Revised 9/13 4 <br />