Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> OCES Strategic Plan-2014 <br /> FIRE MARSHAL DIVISIION <br /> Fire Marshal Mission Statement <br /> The OCES Fire Marshal Division is dedicated to preserving life, property, and environmental resources through <br /> education, prevention, investigation and fire code enforcement <br /> Approach <br /> The Fire Marshal Division is committed to consistently providing a superior customer service program.As our <br /> number one goal,we acknowledge that the objectives listed within this goal will align with the Orange County <br /> Emergency Services ETHOS and the expectations of each individual we interact with on a daily basis.The goals <br /> and objectives create a snapshot of how we would like our Division to represent itself. Having a basis for outside <br /> comment will allow us to better serve our partnering agencies and customers alike. Our overall intent for <br /> identifying the Goals and Objectives in this Strategic Plan is to distribute`the most effective fire prevention <br /> programs,fire protection support and code enforcement capabilities to all of the people in Orange County. <br /> I <br /> STRATEGIC GOAL #1 <br /> Achieve premier customer satisfaction <br /> OBJECTIVES <br /> 1. Develop and implement an action plan to identify opportunities to increase customer <br /> satisfaction. <br /> 2. Critically analyze current fire;and life safety guidelines and SOGs for the Fire Marshal <br /> Division <br /> 3. Develop a professional,comprehensive data management system <br /> 4. Market the Fire Marshal Division's Services <br /> STRATEGIC GOAL #2 <br /> Build strong relationships and consistent collaboration with partner and <br /> support agencies <br /> OBJECTIVES <br /> 1. Generate and sustain strong partnerships among fire agencies, community groups, <br /> regulated and non-regulated industries,governmental agencies, and targeted audiences <br /> Strategic Goals and Objectives <br />