Orange County NC Website
45 <br /> Orange County Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan <br /> CHAPTER 5-Demographics and Driving Factors +� <br /> Secondly, as can be seen in table 5-E, while the pro- Conclusion <br /> jection methodology did a very good job of antici- Orange County, as home to the University of North <br /> paling the total county population, this was not al- Carolina and UNC Health Care with proximity to the <br /> ways the case at the township and municipality lev- Research Triangle Park and Duke University, <br /> el. For example, while the projection for Chapel Hill continues to see positive population growth as it has <br /> Township as a whole was close to the mark, the for the last century, and especially the last 50 years. <br /> breakdown between Chapel Hill, Carrboro and the While growth rates have slowed somewhat in recent <br /> unincorporated part of the township overprojected years with the "Great Recession" economic down- <br /> the latter and under-projected the town of Chapel turn of 2008-2010,the county continues to see pop- <br /> Hill. In Cheeks Township,annexation and more-rapid <br /> ulation increases both within its municipalities and <br /> growth by the City of Mebane and in the township in the rural parts of the county. Particularly note- <br /> occurred between 2000 and 2010. Other differences worthy is the current and projected future growth in <br /> of a like nature may be noted. Overall, however,the <br /> the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area, the Mebane to Hills- <br /> projection methodology did match closely to the borough (and Cheeks Township) corridor, and other <br /> actual growth of 2000-2010. Time will tell whether locations across the county — including west of <br /> this growth pattern will be the best 20-year approxi- Carrboro and the 1-40/1-85 "wedge" in eastern Or- <br /> mation of population increase. ange. Overall, an increase of another 40,000 persons <br /> Note —for the Town of Chapel Hill and the City of from 2010 to 2030 may be expected. <br /> Mebane, the above numbers represent only the por- <br /> tions of those municipalities within Orange County. The county is seeing changes in its demographics <br /> with an influx of persons of Asian descent and of <br /> Hispanic or Latino origin — especially in the urban <br /> areas of southeastern Orange. The county is among <br /> the most-educated counties in the nation, and has a <br /> high median household income — a figure which <br /> masks significant numbers of low-income house- <br /> ; <br /> f holds. The major employers in the county are UNC, <br /> UNC Health Care and private industry, much of the <br /> latter of which is located outside of the county <br /> boundaries. <br /> Note: Additional graphics, maps and end notes on <br /> Orange County demographics may be found in Ap- <br /> pendix 5.1 <br /> � yr <br /> 5-7 <br />