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Commissioner Pelissier said it would be good to talk about the numbers of people affected in each <br /> of the different social service areas. She said many people do not realize how many residents are actually <br /> in need of assistance. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked how many people are on the waiting list for childcare subsidies. <br /> Nancy Coston said there are still several hundred waiting. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked why the Board had to approve the monies, since this was allocated <br /> in the budget. She prefers, in future, that the money is allocated, and staff and social services are allowed <br /> to use their best judgment in utilizing the funds. <br /> Clarence Grier said when the reserve was set up, the money was not earmarked for any specific <br /> purpose or department. He said this is why specifics are needed. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he recently spoke to Nancy Coston and Dr. Bridger of the Orange <br /> County Health Department about these issues. He said the health department did not get hit as hard as <br /> DSS with budget cuts. He expressed appreciation to Nancy Coston for bringing this information forward. <br /> He said that is why this money was put in reserve during the last budget cycle, and he encouraged Nancy <br /> Coston not to be shy in asking for more if necessary. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he supports the transfer of this money. He said this is an opportune <br /> moment, as the budget season is beginning, to create some sort of anti-poverty program that can be a <br /> priority over the next few years. He said the County is being reactive to a crisis of need, and there needs <br /> to be a comprehensive poverty program in Orange County in order to change this. He said this is an <br /> opportunity to be engaged and innovative and anticipate some of these challenges at the front end. <br /> Commissioner Gordon thanked Nancy Coston for the summary. She is glad this fund is available. <br /> She said it is important that people know about this, and it is an important story to tell. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the department is anticipating a direr situation this year, as the winter <br /> season approaches. <br /> Nancy Coston said it does not look like the energy program has a federal cut yet. She said a lot of <br /> that program is determined by the weather, and there is no way to know how much will be needed. She <br /> said the cost of utilities has increased, and it takes more money to get someone out of a crisis. She said <br /> the department is trying to have all of their crisis programs attached to their service programs. She said it <br /> has been worse up to this point, but she does not know if it will be worse the rest of the year or not. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if this funding request will be enough, or if it is conservative. <br /> Nancy Coston said she based her request on what was used last year. She is hopeful that this will <br /> get them through. She said federal funds can only be used if the weather is threatening the health of <br /> people. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he is glad to hear that the directors of the Health Department and DSS are <br /> encouraged to get in touch with the manager when there is a need that needs to be addressed. He said <br /> the money was set aside with the understanding that it would be needed to fill in the holes in the social <br /> safety net. <br /> Nancy Coston said if there is another shut down scare it will cost more money because of the <br /> chaos that follows. She said disruption of benefits has an immediate impact. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the County has dedicated staff to address the programs for poverty that are at <br /> their disposal; however, if the poverty level is not being impacted, the Board needs to be more assertive in <br /> their strategies. He suggested that the people in charge of the retreat agenda and the budget proposals <br /> should begin to look at this. <br /> Commissioner McKee suggested that the manager should contact the faith community to help get <br /> this information out to the public. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner McKee to approve <br /> Budget Amendment#3-A to transfer $100,000 from the Social Justice Reserve Fund to the Department of <br /> Social Services for General Assistance for client payments. With approval of this allocation, a balance of <br /> $150,000 will remain in the Social Justice Reserve Fund for FY 2013-14. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br />