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municipality with access to transit. She said this issue is on the forefront, as all of the <br /> municipalities have done some work, and it is time to bring that together <br /> Tony Blake said there is no way to require a developer to build or maintain affordable <br /> housing. <br /> John Roberts said there are ways to do that, though he cannot quote them now. He said <br /> there are legal mechanisms. <br /> Tony Blake said he thought there was a lawsuit that prohibited trading of units for <br /> affordability. <br /> John Roberts said he has not read this. <br /> Maxecine Mitchell said it seems that there is a drift away from addressing affordable <br /> housing. She said there is a need to intentionally think about how to bring this back into the <br /> planning conversation and create action on the part of all of the local governments. She said if <br /> the density is changed, the high end developers will come running. She asked if anyone out <br /> there is just building affordable housing in Orange County, other than Habitat. <br /> Tony Blake said this is what he sees as the problem in Chapel Hill. He said affordable <br /> housing is being bought up, renovated, and then rent is raised, which forces low income families <br /> out. <br /> Maxecine Mitchell said she would like to see a plan to include long term designation of <br /> affordable housing. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that much of the County affordable housing works this way, and the <br /> Land Trust is permanent. <br /> Commissioner Price said affordable housing historically becomes public housing in <br /> urban areas. She said states have done this too, but she has mostly seen it in the <br /> municipalities <br /> Commissioner Gordon apologized that she was unavoidably detained. She said transit <br /> is an important piece of this conversation. She said one challenge is determining what you can <br /> do to have successful rural transportation. She said you do have to have good access to transit <br /> for it to be successful, and there should be walkable communities nearby. She said one piece <br /> of the puzzle is getting people to their jobs. <br /> She said as the routes are discussed, it will be important to see that the half cent sales <br /> tax in the rural areas is spent effectively. <br /> Paul Guthrie said he sent a letter to the OUTboard to summarize his observations on the <br /> TTA presentation on the Chapel Hill light rail. He said he also mentioned that it would be <br /> appropriate for OUTboard to engage in discussion about what an adequate rural transportation <br /> plan over the long haul would look like for Orange County. He said this should feed the light rail <br /> system and provide transportation that the citizens of this County need. He feels there will be a <br /> dialogue in OUTBoard on this issue, and he feels this element fits neatly into the housing issue <br /> conversation. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there was a joint meeting with the Affordable Housing Advisory Board, <br /> and there was discussion about mobile homes as a class of affordable units. He said there are <br /> an abundance of these in the County, and the question is how to deal with the mobile home <br /> parks in the municipalities, as these seem to have a limited life expectancy now. He said there <br /> have been past discussions about land banking where there is water and sewer to allow people <br /> to move their mobile homes to a parcel that they do not have to own. <br /> Chair Jacobs said it might be a good conversation for the Planning Board to have with <br /> the Affordable Housing Advisory Board. <br /> Craig Benedict said there have been some crossover meetings in the past. He <br /> suggested that the Planning Board and other boards look at their intersecting goals again to <br /> determine commonalities. <br /> Attachment: <br /> 6 <br />