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He said state law also establishes a very specific set of criteria for what constitutes a <br /> modification. He said this is important in Orange County, as the County has three tiers of review <br /> on telecommunication towers. He said anything over 75 feet is approved by staff in an <br /> administrative action; anything over 75 feet and under 199 feet is approved through the class B <br /> special use permit process by the board of adjustment; and anything 200 feet or over is reviewed <br /> and acted upon by the Board of Commissioners as a class A special use permit. <br /> Michael Harvey said this new session law establishes parameters to establish that certain <br /> increases in height of an existing telecommunications facility shall not constitute a modification <br /> that has to be administratively approved. He called attention to page 58 of the packet, where this <br /> language has been incorporated within the provisions of the UDO. <br /> He said the County attorney's office has requested the inclusion of additional language in <br /> 11-a, b, c and d. He said this will be included to flesh out exact parameters of a modification. <br /> Michael Harvey said the key is to ensure that sufficient language is provided to focus on <br /> the changing nature of the tower. He said this affects testimony and facts considered when a <br /> tower is reviewed and acted on by the County. <br /> He gave the example of a tower that is 190 feet tall. He said the tower height can be <br /> increased by 10 percent, or not more than 20 feet, and it is considered a minor change that does <br /> not go before the Board. He said this is an attempt to avoid having a tower that is 199 feet, <br /> reviewed as a class b special use permit, wanting to add to 209 feet, requiring additional <br /> compliance standards. He said staff would like to require the Board to review and approve this <br /> type of action. <br /> Michael Harvey said this ordinance amendment does not alter current review and approval <br /> procedures. He said there will still be a class A and class B special use permit process, and a <br /> consultant review of all co-locations. He said the review timeline is not being changed. <br /> He said the consultants are limited in what they can charge to the County. He said meals <br /> and travel cannot be charged, but the County contract never allowed this, so no amendment is <br /> necessary here. <br /> He said there was no public comment, and many changes from the session law have <br /> already been incorporated. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if there were constraints to how many times a tower can be <br /> modified. <br /> Michael Harvey said if the modifications exceed existing permitting authority for the tower, <br /> the permit must be modified. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification on the limits. <br /> Michael Harvey reviewed these again. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if this means that the tower could be increased in size <br /> multiple times. <br /> Michael Harvey said this is conceivable, but he noted the other parameters of obtaining <br /> approval. He said mandatory setbacks still have to be complied with, and it is unlikely that you <br /> can have a consistent increase in tower height while maintaining relevant factors to the permit. <br /> He said the other parameter to be incorporated is that the Board of Adjustment or the <br /> Board of Commissioner will be basing decisions on the testimony and evidence entered into the <br /> record during a hearing. He said any alteration that changes the parameters of that evidence <br /> would have to be reviewed and acted upon. <br /> He reminded the Board that any tower 200 feet or higher must be illuminated, based on <br /> FHA regulations. He said most people don't like to do this, as it is costly and draws attention to <br /> the tower. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted the motion on page 40. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Rich to: <br /> 1. Receive the proposed text amendment(s). <br />