Orange County NC Website
2. Solid Waste Updates Regarding Future Recycling/Waste Reduction Initiatives <br /> Gayle Wilson said there have been efforts to increase emergency preparedness by <br /> adding two new storm debris management sites. He said the landfill property was historically <br /> the only site approved for storm debris management. He said the two new sites are located on <br /> Mincey Road near Highway 57, as well as a location on Millhouse Road, near the future <br /> Millhouse Road Park. He said these sites are temporary and are only utilized in a declared <br /> storm event. He said these sites have capacity for Town use. He said Orange County has <br /> also executed contracts for the collection and processing for some quantities of storm debris. <br /> Gayle Wilson said the Board of Commissioners has planned a total modernization and <br /> reconstruction of the Solid Waste Convenience Center (SWCC) on Eubanks Road. He said <br /> the site is planned to be larger, with more recycling opportunities. He said compacters will be <br /> installed for efficient hauling; there will be paved surfaces for a more sanitary facilities; and <br /> there will be expanded recycling to include cooking oil, food waste, textiles and plastic film. <br /> He said the hazardous waste facility will be moved and incorporated into the SWCC. He said <br /> the landfill scales will be moved from the south side of the road to the north side to eliminate <br /> large trucks crossing the road. <br /> Gayle Wilson said there was a meeting last week with the town of Chapel Hill. He does <br /> not know when the construction will begin, but he believes the current users will be pleased <br /> with the new facility, despite the disruption of 3 or 4 months of construction. <br /> He said a new Interlocal Agreement for Solid Waste management needs to be in place <br /> before July 1, 2014. He said Town and County staff drafted an outline last year, with the <br /> objective of building the framework for future discussions. He said this outline has been <br /> shared with all of the Town staff. He said it would be helpful to staff if elected officials could <br /> agree on a process to move the outline forward to a formal agreement that can ultimately be <br /> adopted by all parties. <br /> Gayle Wilson said, after further guidance, staff will attempt to further refine and develop <br /> the current draft outline. He said the attorneys and elected officials will have to be involved at <br /> some point. <br /> He gave an update on Roll Carts for the curbside program. He said staff is ready to <br /> move forward with these for both urban and rural programs, but these cannot be implemented <br /> simultaneously. He said the urban program will be addressed first. <br /> He said the weekly urban curbside program is operated by private contractors <br /> administered by the County. He said collected materials are delivered to the Eubanks Road <br /> recycling processing center and then hauled to market. He said 10-20 gallon bins have been <br /> used since the program was initiated 25 years ago, and the program was previously funded by <br /> an annual urban 3-R fee of$52 per year. <br /> He said the every other week rural curbside program is operated by County staff and <br /> equipment, using the same bins. He said this service was previously funded by rural 3-R fee <br /> of$38 per year. <br /> Gayle Wilson said the multi-family program is operated with County staff and <br /> equipment using roll carts. He said roll carts have been used since conception and no <br /> additional carts are contemplated moving forward. He said this was previously funded using 3- <br /> R fees of$19 per year per unit. <br /> Gayle Wilson said if the County and towns agree, staff can proceed with the purchase <br /> of these roll carts and implement the program by July 1, 2014. He said the Towns have <br /> applied for a state roll cart grant that would total up to $214,000 to supplement the urban <br /> program roll cart acquisition cost of$1,043,000. <br />