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Council Member Ward said the private sector bids may contain a 5 year plan, but they <br /> will be a higher bid because of the uncertainty assumed. He clarified that the added services <br /> provided by the County are not included in the bids from private entities. <br /> Roger Stancil said yes. He said it was difficult to compare the private sector to the <br /> County, because the numbers and breakdown were different. <br /> Michael Talbert referred to attachment E on page 30. He said Gayle Wilson identified <br /> the key issues raised at the council meeting and attempted to provide answers. He said that <br /> when the Town requested bids from the private sector the County was not asked for a bid. He <br /> said the County entered the process several weeks after the evaluation process was started. <br /> He said the County has to go out and get pricing before a firm price for 5 years can be given. <br /> He said the County is interested in giving this, and estimates have been listed in the <br /> attachment. He referred to pages 30 and 31 of the abstract and reviewed the pricing listed <br /> there, noting that this is the best guess at the moment. . <br /> Gayle Wilson said he did try to respond to the questions he heard. He said it is difficult <br /> to give the Town a 5 year pricing when many of the costs are not known yet. He said the <br /> collections service cost and the roll cart bids are not known; and there is no answer to the <br /> grant requests yet. He said this makes it risky to give a price at this time. He said the multi- <br /> family cost can be fairly accurate, since this is already run by the County. He said he can't <br /> push a price and ask the County to guarantee it for 5 years with the lack of information. <br /> Chair Jacobs said a 5 year agreement is in the County's interest as well and the Board <br /> wants to make this work. He said the two staffs can work together to serve their constituents. <br /> He said the Board of County Commissioners is not going to stand in the way of making this <br /> work. <br /> He said the County has been interested in the purchase of carts for years but was <br /> hesitant to move forward without a mutual commitment. He said it seems this issue is close to <br /> agreement, and he hopes everyone joins. <br /> Council Member Ward said he is prepared to support a move forward with this letter of <br /> intent. He noted that it is written in this agreement that the Town of Chapel Hill is seen as an <br /> equal partner in setting the costs. He would like this letter to treat the other Towns the same <br /> way. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she hopes everyone can find a way to have a unified effort <br /> and work together. She understands there is a process that has to be followed, but she would <br /> like to underscore the past success of working together. <br /> She mentioned a concern with privacy, regarding the chip in the cart to collect data. <br /> She wants the Board to think about this. <br /> Mayor Chilton asked if this is central to the application. <br /> Gayle Wilson said yes. He said the grant application requires the carts to be fitted with <br /> the RFID chip. <br /> Mayor Chilton asked why, and he asked if there is a significant cost difference in carts <br /> with or without the chips. <br /> Gayle Wilson said it is a nominal difference in cost, but most entities are using the <br /> chips nationwide, as it allows for tracking of participation rates. He said this can capture <br /> specific routes that have low participation rates where education efforts to encourage recycling <br /> can then be focused. He said the system does not track specifically who lives there. <br /> Mayor Chilton asked if there is a way of protecting this information. <br /> Gayle Wilson said this can be protected, since there is a portal where the information <br /> resides. He said those without access cannot view it. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said there are open data interests at play here. He said cities at <br /> the front of providing high quality services to their community are opening their data to come <br /> up with new solutions to problems. <br />