Orange County NC Website
M <br />3, Establishment of a Rtiral Solid Waste to Service istric four, he existing rivr l <br />Ctirbside Recycling Program <br />County Impacts: <br />Existing Rural Curbside program would remain in place with the potential to expand the <br />recycling services and maximize operational efficiencies. <br />Financial Impact: <br />Rural Curbside recycling district tax rate would be established by the Board based size <br />of the proposed district. <br />Estimated Annual Costs $ 630,000 <br />(based on a 13,700 existing customer base) <br />A property tax rate of 1.5 cents per $100 of assessed value in the tax district is <br />estimated to provide revenues of $630,000 annually <br />a. Rtiral Ctir si(le- Recycling four, he 13,700 existing ctisto�rner s. <br />County & Towns Impacts: <br />Funding from the General Fund would reverse the Board's policy that made Solid Waste <br />and Recycling Services self- supporting. Existing Rural Curbside program would remain <br />in place funded by the County's property tax, which would be paid by all County <br />residents, not just by the residents receiving rural curbside recycling services. Town <br />residents and County residents not receiving services would supplement rural curbside <br />recycling. <br />Financial Impact: <br />General Fund property tax revenues would be appropriated by the Board based on the <br />size and scope of the rural curbside recycling program. <br />Estimated Annual Costs $ 630,000 <br />(based on a 13,700 existing customer base) <br />A property tax rate of .4 cents per $100 of would generate revenues of $630,000 <br />annually <br />