Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> 10 <br /> How will the Town of Chapel Hill address the community's needs for public <br /> services? <br /> The Town employs a comprehensive strategy related to Community Development <br /> Block Grant funding, recognizing that simultaneous investments in housing, facilities, <br /> infrastructure, and services are necessary in order to truly improve the living <br /> environment for low- and moderate-income residents. Continued investment in each <br /> of these areas will ensure a vital and comprehensive strategy for serving Chapel <br /> Hill's low- and moderate-income residents for years to come. The community's <br /> needs for public facilities and public services can generally be divided into four <br /> categories: 1) public facilities; 2) infrastructure; 3) public services; and 4) economic <br /> development. <br /> The Town of Chapel Hill currently offers superior public facilities, however, these <br /> facilities must be continually updated, renovated, and expanded to meet the <br /> changing needs of a growing population. Because of the current availability of other <br /> fund sources for such needs, the Town assigns low priority to all public facility <br /> needs. <br /> Recognizing the value of an infrastructure that is ready to meet the needs and <br /> challenges of the future, that will deliver essential services to residents of all income <br /> levels, and that provides citizens access to all the County and region have to offer, <br /> the Town assigns a medium priority to all infrastructure needs. <br /> Considering the full range of community development needs and their respective <br /> demands on the Town's limited resources, the Town of Chapel Hill places a high <br /> priority on all public service needs. <br /> Broad support of the Town's economic development initiatives underscores their <br /> importance to the local economy, but also frees some resources for investment in <br /> other community development needs. The Town of Chapel Hill assigns low priority <br /> to all economic development needs. <br /> Specifically, the Town of Chapel Hill proposes the following strategies to address the <br /> community's needs for public services: <br /> - Strengthen partnerships with non-profits and other related associations <br /> (community building, education, family services, etc.) <br /> - Promote public services opportunities for area low-income residents <br /> - Build community capacity and better coordinate services through the regular <br /> dissemination of information. Examples may include Community Development <br /> Day workshops, self-help workshops, activity updates, etc. <br /> How will the Orange County Consortium assist people with special needs? <br /> Generally, subpopulations with special needs (older adults, people with disabilities, <br /> mental illness, or AIDS, and at-risk youth) are in need of supportive housing and <br /> services. Programs that would meet these objectives (substance abuse services, <br /> handicapped services, youth centers, youth services, senior centers, and senior <br /> services) are all given medium priority by the Consortium. <br /> Y 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan 10 <br />