Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.7- Special Use Permits <br /> 2.7.11 Conditions of Approval <br /> (A) The Board of County Commissioners or the Board of Adjustment, as appropriate, ay <br /> impose such reasonable conditions upon approval of a Special Use as will afford <br /> protection of the public health, safety and general welfare, ensure that substa r ial justice <br /> is done, and equitable treatment provided. <br /> (B) Conditions shall run with the land and use, and shall be binding on the ors inal <br /> applicant(s) as well as all successors, assigns and heirs. <br /> (C) •e Special Use Permit shall include a statement that if any conditi. of a Special Use <br /> Pe it shall be held invalid or void, then the permit itself shall be •id and of no effect. <br /> (D) It shal se stated in the Special Use Permit that the Permit sha automatically expire <br /> within 1 onths of the date of approval if the use has not c• menced or construction <br /> has not co' menced or proceeded unless a timely applicati•n for extension of this time <br /> limit is appro ed by the Board of County Commissioners =s provided in Section 2.7.13. <br /> 2.7.12 Notification of Board A. ion <br /> (A) The Planning Direct, shall send a notice of the r- evant Board's action on the application <br /> by certified mail to the=pplicant. A copy of the decision shall be filed in the Planning <br /> Department within five b.siness days of the r- evant Board's action. <br /> (B) The Planning Director, in the •ase of ap► oval or approval with conditions, shall issue the <br /> necessary permit in accord wit he B•-rd's action. <br /> (C) The Planning Director, but not a d-=ignee, shall certify that the Special Use Permit with <br /> any imposed conditions is as app ov:d by the Board of County Commissioners or Board <br /> of Adjustment, as appropriate, iith a r_.ort provided to the County Manager. <br /> (D) Once the Special Use Per, it has been cert .ed, the applicant shall record the permit with <br /> the Orange County Reg.-ter of Deeds in a for gat prepared by the Planning Director. <br /> Failure to do so within •0 days from certification hall invalidate the Special Use Permit. <br /> 2.7.13 Time Limits and Extensi%ns <br /> (A) If a request is r-ceived before the Special Use permit e sires, the Board of County <br /> Commission- s, for good cause shown, may extend the a •iration deadline six months <br /> upon the f- orable recommendation of the Planning Board. <br /> (B) The appication for an extension request shall be submitted a nimum of six months <br /> prior . the expiration of the Special Use Permit. <br /> (C) N. hanges shall be made to the terms and/or conditions of approv- . <br /> (D) only one approval of a time extension is permitted, and it shall be base, on evidence <br /> presented by the applicant showing that permits have been pursued in a • ely manner, <br /> and that delays have resulted from factors beyond the control of the applic- t. <br /> ) For developments which require approval of a Special Use Permit, the applica•t may <br /> request that the Special Use Permit be vested as a Site Plan for a period of not ;ss than <br /> two nor more than five years. For vesting purposes, Site Plans and Preliminary P :ts <br /> may also be approved as a Special Use Permit at the request of the applicant. See <br /> Section 2.5 for information regarding site plans. <br /> 2.7.14 Changes to Approved Plans <br /> (A) The Planning Director is authorized to approve minor changes in the approved plans of <br /> Special Uses, as long as they are in harmony with action of the approving Board, but <br /> shall not have the power to approve changes that constitute a modification of the <br /> approval. A modification shall require approval of the Board having jurisdiction. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-20 <br />