Orange County NC Website
Article 10: Definitions <br />Section 10.1: Definitions <br />lecommunication Facilities, Personal Wireless Services (PWS) or Pers <br />Ij <br />ereC,ommunications Service (PTS) / <br />As defi d and used in the 1996 Telecommunications Act. <br />Telecomm ication Facilities, Repairs and maintenance <br />The replacement repair of any components of a wireless facility where the r lacement is identical to <br />the component being placed or for any matters that involve the normal re it and maintenance of a <br />wireless facility without t addition, removal or change of any of the ph ical or visually discernable <br />components or aspects of a fireless facility that will add to the visibl ppearance of the facility as <br />originally permitted, but does n constitute a modification to a wir ess facility or support structure. <br />Telecommunication Facilities, oofline <br />The overall ridgeline of the structure, not i luding cupo , elevator towers, clock towers or other similar <br />features. <br />Telecommunication Facilities, Sear ri <br />The area within which a wireless supports cture %�Io, ated in ord er to meet service objectives of <br />the wireless service provider using the eeless facless support structure. <br />Telecommunication Facili ' s, Self- Support/Lattice ireless support structure <br />A tapered structure broad at t base and narrower at the top consis of cross - members and diagonal <br />bracing and without guyed opport. <br />Telecom mu ' nica n Facilities, Stealth or Stealth Technology <br />A design or treat nt that minimizes adverse aesthetic and visual impacts on the I property, <br />buildings, and er facilities adjacent to, surrounding, and in generally the same area the requested <br />location of ch wireless support structures, which shall mean building the least visually a physically <br />intrusive cility that is not technologically or commercially impracticable under the facts and <br />cirtances. Stealth technology includes such technology as Distributed Antenna System (D or its <br />�fu_�_ic,'nal equivalent or camouflage where the structure is disguised to make it less visually obtrusi anc reognized to the average person as a wireless support structure. <br />Telecommunication Facilities, Substantial Modification <br />The mounting of a proposed wireless facility on a wireless support structure that substantially changes . <br />the physical dimensions of the support structure. <br />ecommunication Facilities, Telecommunication Equipment <br />Equip t, which is located either upon a telecommunication tower or a structure and inc es some <br />form of ante for the purpose of transmitting and receiving wireless services. <br />Telecom municatio aciIities, Wireless facility Stealth <br />A wireless support structure ned using stealth technology suc at its primary purpose is, or <br />visually appears to be, something o than the support of tel mmunications equipment, the apparent <br />purpose of the wireless support structure ustomarily c idered as accessory to a use that is allowed <br />in the zoning district, and the structure and its p ' se comply with this Ordinance. <br />Telecommunication FacilitiesJUMfity pole <br />A structure that is designed for an ed to carry lines, cables, or es for telephone, cable television, or <br />electricity, or to provide lighti <br />Telecommuni lon Facilities, Unforeseen Events <br />Condemnati of existing telecommunications wireless support structures for road proje casualty of <br />existin ecommunications wireless support structures, blocking of signals from new constr�Iacea <br />n ssitating a relocation of a telecommunication wireless support structure, or the need to r <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 10 -53 <br />