Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5 10 Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br />(d) Renewal or replacement policies or certificates shall be delivered to the <br />County at least 15 days before the expiration of the insurance that such <br />policies are to renew or replace. <br />(e) Before construction of a permitted facility is initiated, but in no case later <br />than 15 days prior to the grant of the building permit, the holder of the <br />Special Use Permit shall deliver to the County a copy of each of the <br />policies or certificates representing the insurance in the required <br />amounts. A Certificate of Insurance that states that it is for informational <br />purposes only and does not confer rights upon the County shall not be <br />deemed to comply with this Section. <br />(C) General Building and Inspection Standards for all Telecommunication Support <br />Structures <br />(1) Tower Inspection <br />(a) Telecommunication tower owners shall submit a report to the County <br />Inspections Division certifying structural and electrical integrity upon <br />completion of the initial construction and at intervals as specified in this <br />Section. <br />(b) Inspection records shall be kept by the tower owner and made available <br />upon request to the Inspections Division during regular business hours. <br />(c) The following inspection schedule shall be followed, except in cases <br />where a tower has no structures other than those associated with <br />telecommunication tower use located within the tower's fall zone. <br />(i) At least once every 36 months, or 36 months from the date of a <br />ss- lesatieacollocation approval, a structural engineer who is <br />regularly involved in the maintenance, inspection and /or erection <br />of telecommunications towers shall inspect the tower and submit <br />a report to the Inspections Division within a reasonable time <br />thereafter. At a minimum, this inspection shall be conducted in <br />accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and in <br />accordance with the tower inspections check list provided in the <br />EIA -222 (as amended from time to time). This is considered a <br />major inspection review. <br />(ii) At least once every 12 months, a visual inspection from the <br />ground shall be conducted by a properly trained staff member of <br />a tower provider or tower consultant and a report shall be filed <br />with the Inspections Division within a reasonable time thereafter. <br />This inspection shall include, but shall not be limited to, visual <br />inspection of tower foundations, structures, guys, and <br />connections for evidence of settlement or later movement, soil <br />erosion; condition of paint or galvanizing; rust or corrosion, loose <br />or missing bolts, loose or corroded lightning protection <br />connectors; tower plumbness, significant variation in guy sags <br />(i.e. tensions), and other material areas or matters relating to the <br />structural integrity of the tower. This is considered a minor <br />inspection review. <br />(iii) In addition to the regularly scheduled major and minor <br />inspections set forth herein, a minor inspection, at a minimum, <br />will be conducted if the tower or its appurtenances are noted at <br />any time to be visibly damaged. Additionally, a major inspection <br />shall be conducted if the visible damage to the tower is <br />significant or when, after conducting a minor inspection, <br />significant questions remain about the structural integrity of the <br />tower. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -99 <br />