Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br />(vi) A sign no larger than four square feet containing the name(s) of <br />the owner(s) and operator(s) of the antenna(s) as well as <br />emergency phone number(s) shall be installed. The sign shall <br />be on the equipment shelter or cabinet of the applicant and be <br />visible from the access point of the site and must identify the <br />equipment owner of the shelter or cabinet. <br />(vii) On tower sites, an FCC registration sign, as applicable, is also to <br />be present. The signs shall not be lighted, unless applicable law, <br />rule or regulation requires lighting. <br />(viii) The use of any portion of a tower for signs or advertising <br />purposes including company name, banners, streamers, etc. <br />shall be strictly prohibited. <br />(ix) Mobile or immobile equipment not used in direct support of a <br />tower facility shall not be stored or parked on the site of the <br />telecommunication tower, unless repairs to the tower are being <br />made. <br />(5) Bond Security <br />(a) The applicant and the owner of record of any proposed facility property <br />site shall, at its cost and expense, be jointly required to execute and file <br />with the County a bond, or other form of security acceptable to the <br />County as to type of security and the form and manner of execution, in <br />an amount of at least $75,000.00 for a tower and with such sureties as <br />are deemed sufficient by the County to assure the faithful performance of <br />the terms and conditions of this Section and conditions of any Special <br />Use Permit issued pursuant to this Section <br />(b) The full amount of the bond or security shall remain in full force and <br />effect throughout the term of the Special Use Permit and /or until any <br />necessary site restoration is completed to restore the site to a condition <br />comparable to that, which existed prior to the issuance of the original <br />Special Use Permit.Tower Inspection <br />(6) Liability Insurance <br />(a) A holder of a Special Use Permit for a wireless support structure shall <br />secure and at all times maintain public liability insurance for personal <br />injuries, death and property damage, and umbrella insurance coverage, <br />for the duration of the Special Use Permit in the following amounts: <br />(i) Commercial General Liability covering personal injuries, death <br />and property damage: $1,000,000 per occurrence /$2,000,000 <br />aggregate; and <br />(ii) Automobile Coverage: $1,000,000.00 per occurrence/ <br />$2,000,000 aggregate; and <br />(iii) A $3,000,000 Umbrella coverage; and <br />(iv) Workers Compensation and Disability. Statutory amounts. <br />(b) For a wireless support structure on County property, the Commercial <br />General Liability insurance policy shall specifically name the County as <br />an additional insured. The insurance policies shall be issued by an <br />agent or representative of an insurance company licensed to do <br />business in the State and with a Best's rating of at least A. <br />(c) The insurance policies shall contain an endorsement obligating the <br />insurance company to furnish the County with at least 30 days prior <br />written notice in advance of the cancellation of the insurance. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -98 <br />